There are little numbers on the bottom of the Chuck teeth for Nova Chucks, and I figure others but I don't know. Theses numbers correspond with numbers on the jaws of the chuck.:eusa_thin If you match the numbers up the chuck will run true, if you don't they won't.:dontknow:
And if they don't and it's 1 am and you're finishing up a project it might fly across the room :BangHead::BangHead: and be ruined.:eusa_booh:eusa_booh And if that happens you might curse or worse.:kamahlitu:kamahlitu
So then the next day you might:wwink: have to lay out of work for a few hours to turn another something for a holiday party, because your wife looks forward to going every year.ccasion1ccasion1
And if they don't and it's 1 am and you're finishing up a project it might fly across the room :BangHead::BangHead: and be ruined.:eusa_booh:eusa_booh And if that happens you might curse or worse.:kamahlitu:kamahlitu
So then the next day you might:wwink: have to lay out of work for a few hours to turn another something for a holiday party, because your wife looks forward to going every year.ccasion1ccasion1