ErnieM is a god

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New User
Well, he should be! Hello everyone. ErnieM's project thread on his harpsichord build is what brought me to this site. After reading through the first several installments and user comments, I could tell that this was a special site.

About Me:
First, I am not a woodworker, but have long desired to build a keyboard instrument. So far, it just hasn't been in the cards (no place for shop, time, etc). Ernie's thread offers, by far, the best insight into what is involved in such a massive undertaking. I reside in Concord, NC. Anyway, I look forward to hanging around, reading, and learning from what looks like a great community.



New User
Glad to have you join, We all thoroughly enjoyed Ernie's tread and found it quite interesting. Shoot him a PM. I'm sure he'd be willing to discuss it with you.


Corporate Member

You're certainly correct about this being a special site. I hope you take the time to look through the site at some of the great projects being done by our members.

The Harpsichord Project series that you so kindly mentioned has been turned into a book. I've made it available to NCWW members. If you have a PC and would like a copy you can download it here.
Welcome to NCWW and shoot me a PM if you have any harpsichord questions.



New User

You're certainly correct about this being a special site. I hope you take the time to look through the site at some of the great projects being done by our members.

The Harpsichord Project series that you so kindly mentioned has been turned into a book. I've made it available to North Carolina Woodworker members. If you have a PC and would like a copy you can download it here.
Welcome to North Carolina Woodworker and shoot me a PM if you have any harpsichord questions.


Thank you sir. I will definitely grab it and read it. Again, very well done!

Thanks for all the welcomes, everyone.



Corporate Member
:icon_cheersWelcome to the site, Grant!!!:icon_cheers

Glad that you have found us and appreciate the fine work of members like Ernie. He is one that shares plenty of knowledge and inspiration to all of us.

Enjoy, post often and don't forget the pictures of your work!



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Welcome Grant. Building a harpsichord is not all that difficult really. All you have to do is cut/ fabricate the pieces that make up a harpsichord, and then assemble it. If you get stuck, feel free to ask advice here, we'll convert you to woodworkerism in no time at all :)


New User
Hi, Bas. No, I have no delusions of building an instrument anytime soon. Right now, I'm just looking to get started in the art of woodworking. I have no room at the moment for a shop of any size, so it is going to be strictly small and simple for some time. Thanks for the welcome, and I'm sure I will have more than my share of questions as time passes!


Welcome Grant. Building a harpsichord is not all that difficult really. All you have to do is cut/ fabricate the pieces that make up a harpsichord, and then assemble it. If you get stuck, feel free to ask advice here, we'll convert you to woodworkerism in no time at all :)


Board of Directors, Vice President
Hi, Bas. No, I have no delusions of building an instrument anytime soon. Right now, I'm just looking to get started in the art of woodworking. I have no room at the moment for a shop of any size, so it is going to be strictly small and simple for some time. Thanks for the welcome, and I'm sure I will have more than my share of questions as time passes!


Welcome, Grant!

Don't worry; Bas always makes things sound more complex than they really are... :eek:

You just start with a large log and carve away the non-piano bits.. :gar-La;

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
Welcome to the site Grant. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap Sounds like you've got some very cool aspirations. This is a wonderful group of folks. It's great that you could join us. :icon_thum


New User
Started making sawdust today. I am working on a workbench for the garage. When I am done I will share some pics.

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