Dave from Bluffton, SC

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I'm Dave Kartzman, from Bluffton, SC. I have been woodturning for a little over a year, although the year timeframe is a little misleading. I travel virtually every week to client sites around the US as part of my job. Consequently, the only time I really have to turn is on Weekends, when I can get errands and other responsibilities done. I've been married for 36 years to the same wonderful woman, have two grown children and now, two grandchildren.

My introduction to woodturning occurred as an accident (but a very welcome one). My wife and I were attending a 'bluffton day' festival last fall, and we came upon a gentleman who was turning stops, acorn cups, and small bowls. It looked like a lot of fun so I stayed there to watch. We came back the following day and spent several hours watching and talking to him. He mentioned that he has been turning for over 35 years and does give lessons. He suggested that we come over to his house some weekend and he would teach us the basics on a couple of tools and do some spindle turning. If we wanted to have lessons after that, he would be happy to give us lessons. Needless to say, I was hooked and he became my teacher, mentor and great friend.

Unfortunately, because I travel all of the time, my skillset is not what it probably should be, but I am not deterred. I have been turning stoppers for a good part of last year in order to bring them to clients as a 'thanks for seeing me' gift. They have always been received well and it has helped me keep my fingers into turning. I started turning some bowls and other forms (tops, small vase, etc) with the culmination of that effort a really pretty highly figured maple bowl that I made for our daughter and her family for Christmas. I have included some photos in my gallery.

I look forward to reading the forms and hopefully, to gain more insight into the nuances of woodturning. My sharpening skills (freehand) are woefully lacking and this is one area that I really need to focus on.... over time hopefully.

Happy turning....Dave:wsmile:
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Corporate Member
Welcome to the site, Dave!:eusa_danc

Lotsa turners here with plenty of knowledge and skill. Please share some pictures of some of your work when you get a chance.

Have fun and post often.



New User
Thank you all for your greetings and well wishes... I look forward to hopefully being able to contribute to the excellent discussions I have been reading in your forums.



Corporate Member
Welcome Dave.
Glad you found us. Your turning instruction seems to have paid off well.
Keep up the good work.
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