Travis, the lacquer is OK. It doesnt POP the grain like oil but looks good when dry. I hated having to sand the whole thing after the first coat but.....:gar-Bi [who likes sanding?]
Go, yeh its for ware factor. I figured steel on brass with lube would last longer than wood on wood. probably over kil though cause lets face it this aint a bathroom door.:gar-La; so useage will be minimal.
trent, come by some day and I'll walk ya through it.
Mr audio, the ply is realy curly. it was a rip from some I bought 4-5 years ago for my kitchen cabinets. maple ply from home cheepo for like 23 bucks a sheet. there was one full sheet and one rip out of the ten sheets I bought that had this figure. I've been saving them.....:gar-Bi still have the full sheet but I havent figured out what to do with it yet. waitin for the wood to speak to me.:wink_smil