There is always bees advertised for sale. From around $85 to $150 per hive. For $150 I would expect a booming hive with almost new equipment.
First, like everything else, different beekeepers do things different ways. The common setup in NC is a deep brood box, a shallow brood box followed by a super. I ran several different variations to find what I liked best. My personal favorite for a hobbyist is a garden hive from Brushy Mountain with Italian bees. This would consist of Cypress Hive stand, screened bottom board, 3 medium cypress hive bodies followed by medium cypress supers. Then screened inner cover and top. I prefer wood frames and wax. I would also buy a hive top feeder per hive. Italians like to rob. Now, as with anything, different people would do different things. And all will work.
Anyone ever up this way with an interest in bees, I would be glad to share what little I know. I would find an experienced beekeeper in your local area for a mentor and join the local bee club. My mentor is a fellow who has kept bees his whole life and his father kept bees when he was a boy. He is also my woodworking mentor. He used to run my cabinet shop at the place I worked for before retirement. He retired a few years earlier than me.
Since I started about 5 years ago, I have found ways I like to do things that he doesn't quite understand. Like the screened inner covers. The diversity is what makes it a great hobby. Remember in the old days, people kept bees in logs, skeps, etc. And all works. What is the best for the bees and you might be different for different people.