Another major step

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New User
As I hope you all know, it is my and the rest of the Board of Directors' goal to make NCWWI and independent of myself. That is from all aspects, technical, management, and monetary.

We have made great strides in the last 6 months towards this goal. Revenue from ads and affiliates have increased to point that they are significant. Donations are OK and we'll be experimenting with some of the ways you guys have recommended after the first of the year.
We now have people who technically can run this site and expand it. And we now have people who will run this site in name as well as in fact.

So the time as come to take the next steps in our plans. On Dec 21, DaveO will take over as webmaster, this will also make him the VP for Internet Operations in the corporation. Bas will take over as senior technical person of the site. That is he will direct the the Admins, Site programmers,etc. to keep the site running and to keep enhancing the site. His title will be Asst. Webmaster, but perhaps he can come up with something that is a better description. However, as asst. webmaster, he is the second in command.

Actually, I intend to start to phase out starting tonight. I have some code to write yet, before the 21st. But from that point on, I'm just an advisior and resource if needed. What will I be doing? I am still President and treasurer of the corporation. That means the legal buck stops with me and so does the financial. I expect the finances will be keeping me pretty busy for a bit.

I'm going to make the same announcement in the regular forums, but I wanted to make sure the staff has a place to post questions and get answers that might not be appropriate in the open forums.


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Steve, I applaud your efforts in making the site independent. I know that hasn't been an easy thing to do, not just in the implementation but also to be able to "let go". Personally, I can't wait what you're going to come up next now that you're going to have all that free time. Who knows, maybe even some...woodworking! :swoon:

And Dave, don't worry. I'm behind you 100%...that way, the rotten eggs and vegetables will hit you, not me :)


Staff member
Corporate Member
Normally it is the baby that leaves the nest not the papa. I think you hand picked the right people. They have my total support.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
And if I can help to screw anything up, just let me know. Thanks Dave and Bas. Now give me some duties, don't take it all on yourself.:rotflm:


I applaud your selections for the two key positions -- DaveO has proved himself countless times over and Bas has clearly demonstrated amazing technical skills. I know that you are looking for some much needed relief from the stress and financial burden and I'll be continuing my modest support wherever I can as well. It is great that financial inflow is improving and hopefully we can see that rise to put the site in the Black for the first time in 2009. Kudos to you for your vision and efforts. We'll try to devise a cellophane wall to keep DaveO from getting pelted by those rotten tomatoes too often!


New User
I applaud your selections for the two key positions -- DaveO has proved himself countless times over and Bas has clearly demonstrated amazing technical skills.

Rob, thanks for putting it so succinctly. I couldn't agree more.

And don't worry, Steve . . . the changes shouldn't affect your DQ status :D

What a team :icon_thum
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