3rd Week Donation Report - We need help

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New User
How about charging a yearly "donation" rewarding the donation with something like a larger PM box, access to a members only area, etc. Lots of ideas. For example, on my off roading board, anyone can post, see the posts etc, but for a small donation they get a larger pm box, the ability to upload pictures, hosted by us (they can still link to other sites if they do not donate) and access to a non-moderated, anything goes, members only section, and the ability to have an avatar (makes it easy to see who donates). I've been in the black for 5 years now, through two upgrades to my service, true, my site doesn't cost what this one does, but the donation can be appropriate to the cost.

To be quite honest, I don't like the donation drives, I donated what I thought was a large amount the first drive, and every quarter I'm "guilted" into making another donation. I'm sure the guilt is not done by design, but I am often torn by the fact that I donated, and now am being asked for more. Please don't take this personal, I feel the same about political contributions, or donations for causes, etc. You donate once, and then get swamped with junk mail asking for more.

That being said, this is a great site and I hope more people step up.


New User
Last time I brought up the "D" word, (dues) I was soundly chastised. But, since someone else has raised the topic, I'm still in favor of paying dues. OK, I hear all the stuff about those who can't afford it, but I'll bet if most of us took inventory, we could give up ONE thing for ONE time, and pay annual dues. :icon_scra

The option is to continue "begging" and trying to run fund raisers, and raffles, and begging, etc. Folks. just pretend it's a donation to your church, civic club, favorite charity, politician, grandkids, or anything that will incent you to give.

Someone on here has already said that "Doing the same thing and expecting a different result" is one definition of insanity. :dontknow:

Here's another option to go with Rob's suggestions. Make dues $10/yr. and hold ONE raffle. That should make up most of the deficit, shouldn't it? Rob's idea of extra incentives is also a good one. Don't exclude anyone, but offer levels of participation. :widea:

If you can't call it "dues" then think of another name. Non profit status should help also.

I'm done!


Travis Porter

Corporate Member
OK Reggie, since you asked for it, you are chastised. How is that? ;-)

Seriously, we have quite a few active members that are either unemployed, or money is extremely tight, and in a way, it would force them out.

I am not saying no (it isn't my decision anyway), but I personally am skittish about it. It is something we will work through, and we will get it fixed one way or another.

PS - Have to get the donation amount updated!


New User
OK Reggie, since you asked for it, you are chastised. How is that? ;-)

Seriously, we have quite a few active members that are either unemployed, or money is extremely tight, and in a way, it would force them out.

I am not saying no (it isn't my decision anyway), but I personally am skittish about it. It is something we will work through, and we will get it fixed one way or another.

PS - Have to get the donation amount updated!

Thanks, Travis! I would have felt left out, ignored, and had hurt feelings had I not received my monthly chastisement from NCWW! :rotflm:

Can I live without NCWW? Yep!:thumbs_up Do I want to? NOPE!:thumbs_do So let's bite the bullet and figure out a better solution.


New User
Just an Idea :widea:

eBay Charges a little to sell stuff on there website, how about doing something like that? $100 sell with a 1 dollar donation either charged to the seller or the buyer for being able to get such a good deal on NCWW. I would go with the buyer pays the small extra as some here are struggling and every bit count's. Or charge both and make both charges smaller.

Or like rob said, if you'd like a bigger mailbox, donate so much.

And I like the idea that someone had about getting some small items and selling them on eBay and NCWW keeping the donation. Could NCWW open an eBay account that we could list our items here, then someone transfere images/information to eBay and then when it sells, the person's item who donated ships it from there house.

IE I want to doante a pen to NCWW. I put pics and info about it on NCWW and then someone woth the NCWW account post's it on eBay. When it sells one eBay. I get a PM in NCWW and then I ship it out and NCWW gets all the money.

Plus I think the sells would build up on NCWW after word get out the custom woodworkers from NCWW selling hand crafted items.

Just a thought, I sure don't know all the political stuuf that goes on, but again it's just an Idea :widea:.



Master Scrap Maker
Also I feel there was a tactical mistake. The raffle should not have been announced until the donation period was over.:thumbs_do

Let's see...I can donate $20 and get warm-fuzzes...or I can spend $20 on 4 chances in a raffle for cool tools and still get warm-fuzzies because either way North Carolina Woodworker gets $20. But only one way, do I get a chance to score tools! Hmmmm...let me ponder that a while...DUH! No Brainer!

Just my 2c
(If it is not obvious, I am heartily agreeing with Steve)
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New User
Sorry, but I don't buy the unemployed/low income argument. The dues are not likely to be high enough that anybody could not afford them, we have over 3000 members! even at $2,000 per month expenses, that's only $8 per year! I'm sorry, but if the site isn't worth $8 per year to you then that's a poor show. This has to be better than risking the site disappearing hasn't it? Anything worth having is worth paying for, there really is no free lunch and people should realize that. I agree with the guilt trip not being pleasant. I "donated" $90 when I bought the chop saw from Tracey and threw it in the trash, I feel $90 is more than enough to give to the site and I don't want to be made to feel bad about not actively giving more during a donation drive. If the site goes down because of lack of funds then we deserve it I guess....

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I can't argue with you..... Not sure what to say.

Sorry, but I don't buy the unemployed/low income argument. The dues are not likely to be high enough that anybody could not afford them, we have over 3000 members! even at $2,000 per month expenses, that's only $8 per year! I'm sorry, but if the site isn't worth $8 per year to you then that's a poor show. This has to be better than risking the site disappearing hasn't it? Anything worth having is worth paying for, there really is no free lunch and people should realize that. I agree with the guilt trip not being pleasant. I "donated" $90 when I bought the chop saw from Tracey and threw it in the trash, I feel $90 is more than enough to give to the site and I don't want to be made to feel bad about not actively giving more during a donation drive. If the site goes down because of lack of funds then we deserve it I guess....


New User
Sorry, but I don't buy the unemployed/low income argument. The dues are not likely to be high enough that anybody could not afford them, we have over 3000 members! even at $2,000 per month expenses, that's only $8 per year! I'm sorry, but if the site isn't worth $8 per year to you then that's a poor show. This has to be better than risking the site disappearing hasn't it? Anything worth having is worth paying for, there really is no free lunch and people should realize that. I agree with the guilt trip not being pleasant. I "donated" $90 when I bought the chop saw from Tracey and threw it in the trash, I feel $90 is more than enough to give to the site and I don't want to be made to feel bad about not actively giving more during a donation drive. If the site goes down because of lack of funds then we deserve it I guess....
David, there 3000 registered users not 3000 people who are using the site. I suspect that there would only be about 300 people who would pay dues. That changes the economics of the whole thing.


New User
Also I feel there was a tactical mistake. The raffle should not have been announced until the donation period was over.:thumbs_do

I disagree somewhat. I bought a lot more raffle tickets than I would have if we weren't in the middle of the fund drive. It's not that I don't want any of the prizes, I just don't NEED any of them. I was even considering not buying any raffle tickets since I had already donated for the quarter before the raffle was announced. Then I too realized that I can make another donation and get chances on some nice stuff in the process. I don't think that you will overall get less in donations by having the raffle in parallel. In fact, you may avoid some ill will (which I felt when I donated before the raffle since I felt I didn't get anything for my early donation and folks can now donate AND get something in return...)


Master Scrap Maker
David, there 3000 registered users not 3000 people who are using the site. I suspect that there would only be about 300 people who would pay dues. That changes the economics of the whole thing.

That is an important distinction. Do we know, for instance, how many users have posted (or logged in) in the past 3 months?



New User
Let's see...I can donate $20 and get warm-fuzzes...or I can spend $20 on 4 chances in a raffle for cool tools and still get warm-fuzzies because either way North Carolina Woodworker gets $20. But only one way, do I get a chance to score tools! Hmmmm...let me ponder that a while...DUH! No Brainer!

That was the choice I made this quarter.

Several other ideas:

1. For classifieds, charge a seller's premium based upon the listed price.

2. Add several layers of dues FOR EXAMPLE annual amounts:
a) Posting rights - $10
b) Posting rights, rights to list & view classifieds, download rights, discount eligible -$15
c) Superuser - gives person posting rights, ability to list & view classifieds, download, discount eligible and email - $25
d) Guests would be able to view posts

3. Charge a nominal fee for the annual picnic, say $5/person; $7.50 /person and one guest; $10 / person and more than 1 guest.


Corporate Member
I am a little confused on the financial matters. This thread begins by saying we need $1500/quarter ( $6000/year) to survive. Now I hear we need $24,000/ year to survive. So in one case, with 300 members, cost is $20/year or in the other case $80/year. This does not account for any other income. Perhaps we need a simple budget spead sheet summary to clarify the situation.

Jeff :eusa_thin

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
OK. Let me jump in here. Unless numbers come from the BoD or the more to the point, the treasurer, you cannot rely on them. A lot of members in this and other threads put forth numbers when trying to make a point. However, very often these numbers have no basis in reality. For example relying on 3,552 members to calculate individual potential contributions will produce no useful information. The core of truly active participants is much less than our total membership.

This thread deals with help with regard to donations. We are not asking for people to come up with better revenue streams, e.g., annual dues. Dues have been discussed many times over the years and have been rejected. There are many arguments against dues, by the primary one is that the imposition of dues would detrimentally effect the organization and ruin a great deal of the atmosphere that makes this place so special.

I and the BoD are working diligently to achieve non-profit status, this should help us considerably. Until that is achieved, I would ask that if you feel you received benefits from North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. you consider making a contribution regardless of the amount. Any and all contributions are gratefully appreciated.

Finally, while the BoD is adamant in not disclosing individual donors or amounts donated, I will say that North Carolina Woodworker, Inc. is important enough to the members of the BoD, that we not only give of our time, but also our wallet. While we joke about "doubling someone's salary," the joke is that no one receives any money for their work in running this organization. (2 x0 = 0)

I appreciate everyone's suggestions. It shows that you care. Please do not take this post in a negative way. I just thought the discussion would be more productive with a little contaxt.

Douglas Robinson


New User
David, there 3000 registered users not 3000 people who are using the site. I suspect that there would only be about 300 people who would pay dues. That changes the economics of the whole thing.

And that is something the BOD has control over, 3000 registered users "could" mean 3000 paying dues. The club has decided that that they don't have to pay. The 300 people who "would" pay dues is where the maths is going wrong. My point is not to criticise the BOD, far from it. If somebody remains a registered member for more than a few weeks/and or makes a post then they should have no problem making a dues payment.


New User
I'll throw in my $0.02. I love the site and plan on being around for a while (sorry! :wtongue:). I am a proud member and contributor (both financially and through posts). BUT, I can be a cheap SOB and odds are that I never would have joined if I had to pay to "play". I am sure that there are others that feel the same way. I listen to NPR (okay, I am a nerd!) and feel guilty every quarter when they do their pledge drive, knowing that I don't donate. I see this site as a similar entity. It adds a lot of value and knowledge to its users and does it without demanding payment. That is part of the "charm" of the site. I think the site should keep going on the current path to non-profit status and keep doing fund-drives. There are enough of us out there who will not let this site fail, and when push comes to shove I think many more would "pony-up" voluntarily to keep the site going.

BOD, keep up the good work. You can't keep everyone happy, but you have built and are maintaining one heck of a site! :icon_thum


Board of Directors, Vice President
If we go to a dues paying model, I would strongly encourage a long trial period that does not require registering for billing. One problem with dues driven sites is that you don't know the value until you have been around a while.

I ride the fence on the idea. I have bought raffle tickets. I have given away stuff and asked for contributions to be made in exchange for it. I have made a direct contribution or two along the way as well. My point is that I am not sure whehter I have paid my "share" or not. If there are dues, I will know.

This is absolutely my favorite site. But to a lot of people, it is just another site. One that has good information and generally friendlier than other places, but trying to put a price on what makes it special to some of us will drive away members who aren't as enamored with it. Most, if not all, the information you can get here can be found somewhere else. The things that make this a special site make it special to only some of us.
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