
  1. Jeffhfd

    Why does a tack hammer have a split end?

    I just recently bought a tack hammer and the first thing the wife asked was, (why is one end split)well after stuttering for a couple minutes i told her the reason it was split (in my opinion and the only answer i could come up with real fast) was to hold a small tack while you nailed it, her...
  2. jarrett

    Lee Valley shipping (or, can I tack on to your order?)

    I want to get a Veritas Large Saddle Square, but I can't justify spending about half it's price on just shipping alone. Is anyone in the RTP area planning on a Lee Valley order soon? Mind if I tack on to your order? I'll throw in a couple for shipping. Or better yet, anyone know of a place...
  3. Monty

    How should I tack this veneer back down?

    Approximately 50 year-old piece... refinishing... card scraper... should have zigged when I zagged... yea, I know better. :eusa_doh: I'm thinking hide glue? I don't have any experience with the stuff. Any advice appreciated.

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