
  1. Glennbear

    Moderated ?

    Does anyone know why or who moderated this post ? I realize it is a guest poster but someone I am sure would welcome the work if it was visible to the membership. JMTCW :wsmile:
  2. Bas

    Post moderated in census thread

    I deleted Mike Davis' post and RandyJ's comment about how only low income households are counted in the census. PM sent.
  3. Bas

    Reminder: Clean up your moderated posts!

    Just a reminder...putting a post/ thread in moderation means it's in limbo, purgatory, animated suspension etc. It's invisible to the general public, but it's not gone either - it's waiting in the moderation queue. After all is said and done, a moderated post must be either unmoderated (making...
  4. Bas

    Moderated post in "More on Osorio Tablesaw Lawsuit...."

    I put Tommy's post More on Osorio Tablesaw Lawsuit.... in moderation. It's a blatant violation of policy. I am stuck on conference calls until 3, so I can't handle the notification until then. In addition, I took the the foreigner/ visa comment rather personally, so perhaps someone else can respond.
  5. ScottM

    Bruce's post moderated

    Bruce made a improper comment in Peteb301's picnic announcment thread. Remember this thread was only viewable to the Picnic Committee, BoD, Mods, and Admin. Even so it was a clear violation Here is the the statement I removed: "Help me to under stand something. One minute, Pete says "I...
  6. Glennbear

    Hippie Thread Moderated

    I placed this thread in moderation from the off-topic forum. I was just not comfortable with it because of these references "some of us" " lost our sense of humor" I do not know if we was taking digs at members who posted in Ken Massengale's recent thread about the Who but trying to be proactive...
  7. Bas

    Reggie's PM on moderated post in "Wood movement" thread

    Earlier today, I soft deleted Reggie's post, and sent him a PM explaining why: In other words, there was nothing wrong per se with Reggie's post, but it's sort of pointless to moderate Jeff's post and then leave the content intact in a reply. This is what Reggie sent in response to some of the...
  8. M

    Post Moderated

    Here is a PM I send to Bob the Mainer after he posted in cskipper's 6000th Post thread: In response to your Post (as quoted above) in the 6000! thread: I have put your post in moderation -- our policy doesn't allow a personal attack on any individual -- cskipper has produced some amazing work...
  9. ptt49er

    Thread moderated... If I was wrong let me know...
  10. Bas

    Abbreviation moderated

    I moderated the post on the Dovetail "clearance" at Lowe's, removing '***' from the title. Maybe something to add to our banned list of words.
  11. M

    Thread Moderated

    I just edited a thread by Bryan S to remove the word highlighted in Red I sent him an email stating the following: In response to your Post (as quoted above) in the Pay Attention to Whats Going on Around You! thread: Bryan, I removed the word Hispanic from your post -- it does not change...
  12. ScottM

    Post on Mike Easley moderated.

    Bruce (Juncol) posted this response to the post on Mike Easley. The part in red is what I deleted. A PM has been sent. Any other thoughts? "What is a lame duck governor going to do in his last days- Issue some pardons? With Easley having been the attorney general, I don't think it is...
  13. SteveColes

    Moderated Classifieds Ad

    Does anyone know who or why this ad by Tom Hintz was moderated(unapproved)?
  14. Douglas Robinson

    I moderated myself!

    Woodworker2000 posted in one of the IRS Auction threads a long post that I found very negative. He basically called the thread a "dibs" list. It took everything I had not the post a nasty response. I posted a neutral response and kept it impersonal. Keye then responded in a heathly way. But boy...
  15. cskipper

    Moderated threads

    Did I miss something (like that would be a surprise -lol)? I thought threads that had been moderated appeared in this forum. I saw two that have been moderated, but no indication here.
  16. cskipper

    It's 3 a.m. - moderated

    I put this thread in moderation (hopefully correctly). The link is hysterical, but political in nature. Feel free to disagree and put it back. Look at the link - it is funny (and I don't usually find them funny).
  17. cskipper

    "Hosed" thread moderated

    I moderated the thread about "Hosed - in more ways than one:" in moderation. While I agree with the content, I thought it had real potential for turning ugly. I emailed Jackleg and suggested that if he wanted to appeal my decision to contact Steve, DaveO or Stacey since I'll be heading to work...

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