I received an email today saying that Roy and Ed will be closing shop August 31, 2023.
From the email:
From the email:
"The Woodwright's School and Tool Store will close the doors August 31, 2023. It is that time in our lives to move on to new adventures. The School started in 2009 and the Tool Store in 2010. We opened just after the Great Recession and are closing in the time of COVID, what a long strange trip it's been. It has been very special being part of The Woodwright's School staff after working 31 years at NIH. I never imagined being able to meet so many interesting people from around the world. We will be having classes next year and I want to keep the store open, at some capacity, for most of the time until we are closed. In keeping with our alcohol powered tradition, Anna's wine store will move into the school location on September 1, 2023."