Walnut vessel

Ed Fasano

Senior User
Walnut vessel - Approx 7"h x 5" dia.

ERF_3371_Walnut Vessel_E1.jpg


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That really came together nicely. Be proud and keep up the good work!


Senior User
I applied 3 coats of Waterlox Original Satin, topped with one application of Renaissance wax.
I use a lot of Waterlox but don't know this wax. Where did you buy it and how long did you wait to apply after last coat of Waterlox? I ask since I tried Briwax over Waterlox and that was a disaster as it reacted with the Waterlox. Is this Renaissance wax known for being compatible with waterlox or did you wait a month for the waterlox to fully cure. Appreciate any insight

Ed Fasano

Senior User
I cannot guarantee that Renaissance wax is specifically compatible with Waterlox. I just know that I haven't had any problems with it. Craft Supplies and Klingspors carry it. A little goes a long way, which is good because a tiny can is over $25. I typically wait until I'm reasonably confident that any topcoat has cured before applying wax. I give Waterlox at least 24 hours. Unlike many paste waxes, Renaissance dries very quickly and buffs out easily by hand. This makes it easy to reapply a coat if the need arises. As a bonus, it has a tolerable aroma.
That's my 2-cents worth, which might be overpriced.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
Imagine my delighted surprise when this image popped up!
It is beautiful and very pleasing to the eye.
Great work!


Corporate Member
Love the proportions and the grain orientation!
I too am a fan of the Renaissance micro-crystalline wax. Fun fact : it can be used on leather too.

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