The last word


Bruce Swanson
Corporate Member
This is the final post in regards to tomorrow's Mid Winter Blahs Picnic! Did I just hear people shouting and clapping?
Well, I picked up 40 1/3 lb. beef patties, and 40 all beef hot dogs, and the buns to go with them, mustard, ketchup, and relish, and all the door prizes, except for what Raymond is bringing. The Ryder truck is packed rather tightly, and except for putting in the roll of raffle tickets, I'll do that in a minute.
Folks, this is going to be a really great time. I've heard from members who have tools to sell, so bring your stuff to sell or trade, or just give away. If you've got magazines you'd like to get rid of, bring them. Mike Davis will do sharpening demos, and will sharpen all your kitchen knives for you. Be sure and watch Dakota Davis, of our host family, turn and make some beautiful, exotic pens!
So come and join in the conversation and the fun, and enjoy great food too! See ya there!


New User
The party is 10-2, I'll be there at 9:15 to unlock the door and set up tables.

Sadly, the lathe demo is canceled. I've been slammed at work, haven't had time to prepare blanks and gather tools, and the weather just isn't fit to haul large tools over there. We'll do a virtual demo - Dakota can just tell you about it.

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