Site Loading

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New User
Just an FYI for anyone interested. FOr approx. the last week or so I've been noticing that the time from me clicking the link in my favs. folder to site loading has gotten extremely long. I've checked other sites that use the same or similar ops as this one and the only one I've been having issues with is NCWW. :dontknow: I've checked my preferences and other criteria to see if maybe something I had changed here at home was the culprit but all appears well/same-same. Today, I tried it and was able to load my Gmail and Yahoo accounts while waiting for NCWW to load. :icon_scra Also tried NCWW as the only task and the time was virtually the same within and couple seconds or so. Just thought you may like to know.


Corporate Member
I had been making some internal structural changes to the operating software. While I was doing that,I had the system in debug mode and had turned off most server side caching. Since I have had to stop working on this until next week, i just returned everything back to normal.

See if this has helped.
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100513 Firefox/3.6.4 GTB7.0


New User
Cool beans. Seems to be working like old times tonight. Thanks for the response.:icon_thum
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3


Corporate Member
Sorry for not removing those settings when I had stopped working and even more sorry that I didn't mention that there might be a slowdown.

Unfortuetly I will be doing.more of that kind of stuff next week, but I'll try to a better job of warning people that there are changes in progress.

Mea culpa
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