NCWW Fire Sale - Organizing the Outreach Trailer

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Jeremy Scuteri

Lots of things can be attempted, with no guarantee of success and some likely pitfalls.

1. Run another auction for some limited time, say 24 hours or 48 hours.
We don't know what happened last time. One of the many "quirks" the site is experiencing. I think auction debug is very low on the priority list for anyone capable of looking into it. Why wouldn't we expect some other strange behavior again.

For example, all the auctions were put up at the same time and should have finished within an hour or so of each other.

2. Run an "auction" in the threads for 24 hours and bypass the software all together.
This could work, but what about the guy that doesn't see the thread posts and once everything is settled he comes up and says "wait a minute, I won the auction and I didn't see your post here about doing another one".

Anything is possible, I could contact every person who has placed a bid and make sure everyone knows what we are doing. That would probably work, I'm just not willing to put in the effort that it would require. I suppose that is on me. This was my decision alone, not something the BOD voted on.

This became a major pain in the butt as soon as I went to post the very first auction item and realized pictures were going to be a problem. My patience grew thin quite quickly, then more site issues causing more headaches. This may give some insight as to why I chose the path that I did, right or wrong....

Phil S

Phil Soper
Staff member
Corporate Member
Jeremy, I will help fix this if you want. I can contact everybody necessary.


Corporate Member
I am not really in the loop as to what happened or why. Is there a list of the winning bidders? When I left for work I was high bid on 2 items but assume I got outbid at some point. Winners were notified by PM?


Staff member
Corporate Member
If the majority of the winners agree, take the winning bid as the starting point for a new auction set at a future date (say 2 weeks) - run the auction for 24 hours and close it. If there are higher bids, so be it; if not, the original winner takes it. A decision needs to be made soon as I was getting ready to pay today when I saw this posting. I want to do what is fair to all and I will say it here - I won two of the items but I am willing to extend if that is the desire of the other winners.


Corporate Member
Since I won two items I'll chime in.

Unlike others, I was under the belief that all the auctions ended 12/10. Guess I was focussed mainly on the lathes and didn't pay close attention to the others. I was totally unaware of any countdown clocks, missed that as well. My assumption (yeah) was they would end at midnight on the 10th.
In any case I quit bidding on most items as they reached price points I couldn't justify.

If the bidding is reopened I'll probably lose out but NCWW will benefit by $10 or $20.

Take that for what its worth, no hard feelings either way.


Corporate Member
I also won an item and support whatever decision the board makes. I appreciate the workload Jeremy has to carry just to pull this off once, let alone twice. Wish there was a way to spread out the work but I can see too many cooks in that kitchen could make a real mess. Particularly if we don't know why the auctions got wonky.
I would bid more also, but am happy either way.


Greg Bender
Corporate Member
I'm not sure how to feel but I've already paid and just want to know where this is going. I bought the lathe cause I needed it and if that can't happen I just need to know so I can proceed in a different direction.
Thanx, Greg B


Staff member
Corporate Member
I am not really in the loop as to what happened or why. Is there a list of the winning bidders? When I left for work I was high bid on 2 items but assume I got outbid at some point. Winners were notified by PM?

Winners were notified by email at their registered email address on the site. The email came from - replying to that address won't help BTW as the webmaster didn't run the election - Jeremy did.

David Turner

Corporate Member
I'm with Greg. I bought the Shapton stones because I needed the 1000g and 5000g stones and was notified of the winning bid but as of yet have gotten no direction as to location of the stones or payment location.

David Turner
North Raleigh


Staff member
Corporate Member
I'm with Greg. I bought the Shapton stones because I needed the 1000g and 5000g stones and was notified of the winning bid but as of yet have gotten no direction as to location of the stones or payment location.

David Turner
North Raleigh

I requested that you wait until Jeremy finalizes the results, but I thought that had already happened - my bad. The easiest way to pay is via the Donate button at the option of this top menu. Items are to be picked up at Phil S' location in North Raleigh. There is still some controversy over the results of the auction, so you should probably wait until that is settled. I feel your pain.

If you need other payment options once the auction issues are resolved, please contact me at


Staff member
Corporate Member
I'm not sure how to feel but I've already paid and just want to know where this is going. I bought the lathe cause I needed it and if that can't happen I just need to know so I can proceed in a different direction.
Thanx, Greg B

Your payment was noted and you will be made whole one way or the other. Once this controversy is resolved, we will either honor your bid, or refund your donation. I am sorry about the people that are contesting this auction, and I feel your pain. It *will* be made right one way or the other. You have my word as Treasurer on that.


Corporate Member
It’s understandable that people who planned to bid missed the chance to bid because the auction ended early—but this was not an eBay auction, which seems to encourage sniping. I was under the impression the point was to help fundraise and while more money could be made reopening, it sounds like it would be more trouble than its worth (and add unnecessary complications). I find it helpful to remember that the board is comprised of volunteers who donate time, materials, money and wisdom. I respect their decision.

I had planned to bid, but chose not to because lack of shipping and I have no idea when I could drive up to NC. I was a little bummed, but at the end of the day it wasn’t worth it to me and I moved on.


Corporate Member
As one of the automatically notified winners, I can go with whatever decision is made. I’m just waiting to hear the official decision. Thanks Jeremy for all your work on this.

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I'm sorry we are having problems with the web site, I am not a programmer, don't know that much about the problems, and have no power over the situation.

However, someone has to step up and take responsibility, make a decision, and take the heat for it.

And in the end that has to be me.

The auction ended early, some folks didn't get to snipe the auction and take advantage of a good deal, others have gotten an automatic announcement that they won and have paid in good faith.

We could start over, add a day to the auctions, or several other actions that would allow some to take away from others. And that is all it really boils down to. Yes, I bid on an item, No I didn't win. That is how auctions work. I'm sorry if you didn't get what you wanted.

The results are final, the auctions are closed, please collect your tools from PhilS in Raleigh.


New User
Bruce Swanson
Jeremy, I want to personally thank you for the mountain of hard work you do for our association. Each one of us is the association, and the items from the outreach trailer belongs to the association, us. Problems caused by our website are not the blame of any of us, but lie more with the software developer. It has left our board in a bewildering situation that has caused some of us to be unhappy, but please don't be unhappy with the board, it is beyond their control. As KenOfCary mentioned earlier in the thread, the BOD members volunteer their time, physical resources, and personal finances to keep this association up and running. This whole affair reminds me of after the funeral, huge rifts develop in the family due to how the deceased earthly possessions were divided. I am very thankful to our BOD members for making NCWW what it is. It can often be very frustrating to do what they do to keep this website, and all the activities of NCWW, running in the smoothest manner possible.


Greg Bender
Corporate Member
I'm trying to setup a time to pickup my lathe but I'm not having any luck. Is there a contact number for Phil so I can just call and get an address and a time to go up. Is there anybody else from the Mooresville area that would like to ride up together. I have a full size pickup so room is not a problem. I would love to go tomorrow, Sunday if possible.
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