More shop organization

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New User
Needed a place besides the floor to store blanks, so built two of these real quick. Only had one built when I took the picture but there's two now. The first filled up fast, the second next to it will once I process the logs in my drive way.

I also had plans to build a cabinet to mount a chain grinder on and turn it into a chain saw area. But I saw a bench at Home Depot in Cary marked down from $160 to $80 and couldn't pass it up, storage for chainsaw stuff, grinder, chains saw, tucked away in a seldom used corner of the shop. Saved me some work building something.



New User
Obviously you are a woodturner and you know that you will be in the market for some extreme organizational measures to keep all your large amounts of incoming woods sorted out, plus we as woodturners very seldom ever throw any small pieces of woods away because "we can" always use them small pieces to glue up a segmented stock, for this or that, or that :eusa_thin

I have learned and very quickly that part of being a woodturner is learning innovative ways to manage all of this wood...wood everywhere...funny but we wouldn't have it any other way now would we?

enjoy :eusa_clap



New User
I seem to collect wood faster then I can get it turned, but once the shop stuff is done, I plan on turning a lot more.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
I seem to collect wood faster then I can get it turned, but once the shop stuff is done, I plan on turning a lot more.

What is that old saying, "The best laid plans of mice and men. . ." Two thoughts here: one, you can never pass up an opportunity to get more wood; and two, shop stuff is NEVER done. :rotflm: But getting organized sure does feel good. :icon_cheers



New User
I seem to collect wood faster then I can get it turned, but once the shop stuff is done, I plan on turning a lot more.

i know tell me about it...what i really enjoy is when i am looking through some of my bins for some special select species and lo and behold i find a section of wood that i never knew i possessed. It's like some of those storage bins actually germinate and give rise to these unknown woods.

not complaining however... :eusa_danc
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