Miter saw dust collection


Senior User
I’m seeing a new type of dust collector being advertised. It attaches to the saw just behind the blade.
Has anyone bought or tried one?
My set up is very inefficient. When I use a dark wood it looks light I spilled coffee grounds everywhere.


Corporate Member
My old Hitachi had something similar built into it. It definitely collects 90-95% of the dust but that last 5-10% still leaves a good mess, but not bad compared to when I forget to hook up the vacuum to it.🫡


Corporate Member
There are a lot of add-on, flexible, fixed, articulating. All work a little better, all get in the way sometimes. But none of them work unless you have a very powerful high-lift vacuum hooked up. Largely because the moron designers put in too small of a port. Heck, even the idiots at Festool made the port neck down to almost nothing. They assume these are carpentry tools and used on a job site outdoors.
The OEMs need to add a below the slot pickup to supplement.


Senior User
The best dust collection alternative is to put a hood over your miter saw station. It helps to corral the dust so that you can vacuum it up once or twice a week with a second shop vac. My Dewalt makes a terrible mess. The installed port and shroud behind the blade is worthless.


Heath Hendrick
Senior User
Yeah, miter saws by design just aren’t great at DC. Some more than others. I have the attachment that you mention, and it does 100% better than the factory Bosch port, but not perfect. Somewhat nature of the tool though. I too have mine in a shroud that keeps it from spreading around the shop, and went as far as to run my primary DC to a drop in the back that I’ll use if I’m making a lot of cuts/ going to be at it awhile. Otherwise, I just rely on the dedicated shop vac I have hooked up to the miter saw port itself for quick cuts. I’d say I get a solid ~90%+ of dust capture overall, (no scientific testing done here, just eyeball), which I consider “great” for the tool. Better than nothing at least.


Senior User
The best dust collection alternative is to put a hood over your miter saw station. It helps to corral the dust so that you can vacuum it up once or twice a week with a second shop vac. My Dewalt makes a terrible mess. The installed port and shroud behind the blade is worthless.
Just bought and installed ShopNations improve miter saw dust system. Works great!


Corporate Member
I go the dust collection upgrade from Shop Nation for my DeWault miter saw. Night and day difference in the dust collection, I fully encourage you to check out their site (link was posted already) to see if they have the attachments for your miter saw. It doesn't pick up 100% but it probably gets 80% of the dust created which is a 100% upgrade from the stock "dust collection" ports they come with.


I’m seeing a new type of dust collector being advertised. It attaches to the saw just behind the blade.
Has anyone bought or tried one?
My set up is very inefficient. When I use a dark wood it looks light I spilled coffee grounds everywhere.
I have a newer version of the ShopNation dust collection than Heath. I also have the save version he has and there is not a big difference in the collection. I mostly purchased the new version because I could buy the design files and print my own. That said the newer version can tilt a bit more to the left because of the hose design change. Either version works very well when you're not sliding. When you're sliding and cutting material less than an inch or so it works better than with thicker material.

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