Dupont6480 Workshop started!!

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Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Wow, you're getting close to having a woodshop as opposed to a "building in progress", very exciting! I had to do some demo, electrical and flooring as well to get my shop done (although nowhere close to the effort you've put in), so I know the feeling you get when you can see yourself actually building stuff in the shop. The floor you're putting in will really "soften" the look too, much less industrial. You did this one right. :eusa_clap :eusa_clap


Very nice. :icon_thum

You are in the home stretch now.

That osb is a real joy to paint, isn't it? :nah:


New User
I have to say; throughout this entire process "painting" of the OSB is the one job I do not want to do again. Thanks, Tim


New User
Looks great Tim, I know you are excited about the next stages of your shop! You have done a commendable job here and will soon reap the benefits.:icon_thum Keep the pics and updates coming, thanks for sharing.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
It just keeps getting better Tim. You'll be making sawdust (as opposed to gypsum dust) before you know it. :eusa_danc

Look forward to seeing you at the Shop Crawl on the 15th. Hopefully you'll find an idea or two to take home. :icon_thum



New User
Well, I took a break from my progress to join some really great members at the recent Shop Crawl. The first day I traveled to Mike Shelley's house and shop to pick up my Record 52 vise. While there Mike opened up his shop and house to me and what a treat! Mike is truly a master craftsman and it was a distinct honor to visit his shop; see his magnificent art and to sit and talk with him for while. Thanks again Mike.
I then continued my trip onto Burlington where I stayed at the local Marriott and joined all the others the next morning for an enjoyable and extremely educational day. If you have not been to one of these shop crawls before; I highly recommend it! It was well worth my 10 hour round trip drive.

Since returning home; and in between several 3-5 trips for Uncle Sam, I finally finished putting down the 3 coats of MINWAX Floor Poly in my shop. I was able to borrow a very large industrial fan, opened my windows, and used a respirator to apply the poly. The first coat I applied with a 4 inch brush using knee pads but my legs and back are still feeling the ordeal. I waited 24 hours between coats with a light sanding using 220 grit between coats (instructions recommended this just to provide a better surface for the poly to adhere to) and the last two coats I applied with an extendable pole and a deck painting pad. I have to say I am very please with the result:

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Since finishing the floor; I have waited 72 hours and finally moved a few items in yesterday (dust collector, planer, shop vac, assembly table etc) and I am actually starting to see the proverbial "Light at the end of the tunnel". I know this shop will always be a work in progress but it feels great to start moving the tools in! I still need to finish a few items: faceplates on receptacle, baseboard, insulate the garage door, insulate the overhead, finish caulking and painting the soffitts, and installing the soffitt vents. I also want to install some better locks for security on both doors. But hey! I can actually say I now have a workshop!!:banana::eek:ccasion1
Thanks again to so many of you for all the advice, seasoned lessons learned and support throughout this build,


New User
WOW Tim, the floor looks great! I know you are looking forward to getting the tools in place and getting on with woodworking vs shop building. You have an outstanding looking empty shop that needs your attention!:gar-La;


Congratulations! :icon_thum

Getting those first tools into the shop is definetly a moment to savor. Keep those pictures coming as you 'attempt to get organized'. I say attempt, because I don't think it ever really happens. But who cares? It's a shop, right?


New User
Michael Shelley

It was a pleasure to meet you and might I say, your shop is starting to sparkle. Can't wait to see it fill up and see some projects start coming together.



Master of None
Looking great there Tim! I remember well the feeling of being able to move in the first tools. Thanks for the invite to ride along on the crawl, if it hadn't been my Mom's 70th birthday, I'd have been there in a New York minute.

Found a lumber/sawmill guy in Boykins and bought some nice Ambrosia Maple from him. We'll have to get together and ride out there one weekend!:icon_thum


Bryan S

Corporate Member
Looking good Tim. I enjoyed sharing a table with you, especially trading sea stories. I know you can not wait to get to making some sawdust.
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