Catching up


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Here are some more that are coming out of the (too big) WIP pile.

Oak, ~ 7" dia. X 3" deep, with modest wipe (1-2 coats) on poly finish.

Beech, ~7" dia. and 4" deep. Again modest wipe-on poly finish. You can tell it was turned green.


More dogwood. Bottom right is a crotch piece, ~4.5" dia X 1.5" deep.
Top right, ~3" dia X 1" deep. Top left, nearly 3" dia X 1.75" deep. Left, 3" dia X 2.3" deep. All of these have enough wipe-on poly to shine. All the women in my life like these little bowls. They want them as soon as I turn them. They call them "ring" bowls, for storing their finger adornments. Go figure.

As always, critques welcomed.


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Thank you Mike. Wishing I would have taken a picture of the dogwood I turned Saturday and gave away.

Henry W

Corporate Member
Gene - I particularly like the crotch piece in the bottom picture. That very contrasting and asymmetric grain & color makes for a wonderful piece. I like the stripes in the oak too, and the unusual beech colors - looks bleached but that red spot is cool!


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Henry W, in reality that red spot is very orange. I turned a piece at The Hardwood Store Saturday that had a similar orange highlight.

Henry W

Corporate Member
Henry W, in reality that red spot is very orange. I turned a piece at The Hardwood Store Saturday that had a similar orange highlight.
Yes a closer look at that color in a larger pic does indeed show up more orange than red.
As such natural bright color tend to be transient - I wonder how well this one will hold up. Did you have other pieces from the same tree with that color? I have seen similar colors in maple (I have turned a smallish piece of maple myself with bright color streaks - but those have faded over the maybe 10ish years). I am not sparticularly familiar with Beech.


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I don’t know the history of the wood. Some I bought last year and some this year. I did not track which is which. Vendor was Got Wood in SC.

I have two more pieces and will look forward to what may be hidden within.


Is that dogwood all heartwood? My dogwood trees are only about 8" diameter max. They are almost all sapwood, which is almost white. Just a few streaks of dark heartwood.


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The dogwood is not all heartwood. The bowls on the right have some sapwood showing.

I've got a dogwood snag in the backyard I need to take down. The trunk is split down the middle. Wondering if it is all rotten or if there is a bowl or two inside. About 13"-15" in dia.

Stop by sometime when you are on your way to Atlanta. We'll take it down and see what wonders might be offered.



The dogwood is not all heartwood. The bowls on the right have some sapwood showing.

I've got a dogwood snag in the backyard I need to take down. The trunk is split down the middle. Wondering if it is all rotten or if there is a bowl or two inside. About 13"-15" in dia.

Stop by sometime when you are on your way to Atlanta. We'll take it down and see what wonders might be offered.

My daughter lives in Augusta, so you never know. Likewise, if you are ever in the Nashville area, let me know. I have a big wood pile that I can't possibly work through. Here's a dogwood bowl I made when I first started (hence, the flat bottom).



Board of Directors, Vice President
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My daughter lives in Augusta, so you never know. Likewise, if you are ever in the Nashville area, let me know. I have a big wood pile that I can't possibly work through. Here's a dogwood bowl I made when I first started (hence, the flat bottom).
We make trips to Franklin and Gallatin a few times a year.

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