BOD next steps

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New User
Scott Smith
Are there any plans to have the BOD get together soon to discuss issues, opportunities, vision, next steps, get the new board members up to speed, etc?

If not, may I suggest that we set up a date for a meeting and an agenda?

One other question is when do the terms of the former board members expire?



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Are there any plans to have the BOD get together soon to discuss issues, opportunities, vision, next steps, get the new board members up to speed, etc?

If not, may I suggest that we set up a date for a meeting and an agenda?

One other question is when do the terms of the former board members expire?


I think we can now have online meetings, as far as the terms, if I am correct the current bod runs through the end of June.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Yes, I want to see some big changes.

I am thinking we need a different default font and maybe a different default color. ;-)

Seriously, I can offer up a conference bridge so we can talk live that will work for everyone.


There are two very critical activities that the new BOD must perform -- selecting our Officers and an in-depth review of the Corporation financials. And that's just for starters. While an online conference is one mode of meeting, I believe we would better serve our membership and each other by meeting face-to-face for this key meeting -- Tracy and I are the only two from outside the Triangle area, but I am more than willing to travel for such a meeting (my only restriction is that it must be after June 8th as Nancy has a full shoulder replacement this Thursday and I need to be close to her for two weeks or so). My daughter lives close to Steve Coles and perhaps he would be willing to host this meeting as his swan song from the Board.


Corporate Member
I'm always willing to host a meeting. That way I can tell you are doing wrong:rotflm: and you can't throw me out of the meeting.:rotflm::rotflm:

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
I strongly prefer an in person meeting for the first meeting. This week is not good for me and next week I am in Germany. So sometime after 5/29 is best for me. We need to decide who will hold which position and tackle the transition isssues. The new Board is supposed to take office in June.

I am willing to have you all over to my place if that works. Except for Travis and I most people are located west of Raleigh (Rob, Scott, Tracy, Tarheel, and Steve) and DaveO is south.


Travis Porter

Corporate Member
The next two weeks at minimum are going to be very difficult for me to do anything. I have some personal issues (MIL not doing well) and I will have to be around or near home with the kids a lot.


New User
I'm good for a meeting just about anytime. Weekends would be best for me. With advanced notice I can just about schedule at anytime. Anywhere in the Triangle area would be best, but I can go farther if needed.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I too agree to a face to face meeting, but May is terrible for me. Could we possibly do this early on a Saturday morning? Just a thought.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
All incoming BoD members should go to the download library and read the by-laws. In particular pay attention to section 6.8 that describes the Board positions:

Executive VP
VP for Internet Operations
Events Director
Development Director

Please look over the responsibilities and if you feel comfortable please list the positions you would be comfortable filling. FWIW: I personally am willing to fill Pres, Exec. VP, or Secretary.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
All incoming BoD members should go to the download library and read the by-laws. In particular pay attention to section 6.8 that describes the Board positions:

Executive VP
VP for Internet Operations
Events Director
Development Director

Please look over the responsibilities and if you feel comfortable please list the positions you would be comfortable filling. FWIW: I personally am willing to fill Pres, Exec. VP, or Secretary.

I would be comfortable filling VP for internet operations, Events director, or development director.


New User
Scott Smith
I am fairly flexible regarding meeting. It sounds like we need to nail down a date in June, based upon everybody's travel schedules.

For those with scheduling challenges, how about starting us off by suggestions 3 dates/times that would work for you?

Doug, thanks for the suggestion re reading up on the board positions - I'll download and check it out this week. Personally I think that it makes sense that the new President should be a member of the incumbant BOD, because that provides good continuity and familiarity with leadership history and vision for the org.

One of the conversations that I'd like for all of us to have is one that will allow us to become grounded in the history and vision of the org, and then to discuss what we'd like to accomplish (or opportunities that we feel that we should consider pursueing) in the next year, along with where can, and do we want (these are not always the same) to take the org. This will help provide all of us with a common background as well as the opportunity to syncronize all of our efforts and direction.

Personally, I find SWOT analysis to be helpful (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threats), and would like to use this tool in our meeting as well.


Corporate Member
Question only, no hidden agenda or purpose: Will this proposed meeting include the out-going BoD or just the new BoD?



All incoming BoD members should go to the download library and read the by-laws. In particular pay attention to section 6.8 that describes the Board positions:

Executive VP
VP for Internet Operations
Events Director
Development Director

Please look over the responsibilities and if you feel comfortable please list the positions you would be comfortable filling. FWIW: I personally am willing to fill Pres, Exec. VP, or Secretary.

I would be interested in serving as President, continuing as Executive VP or serving as Development Director, in that order.

My best dates for a BoD meeting are June 14 (Sunday) or June 20 or 21. My wife Nancy is having full shoulder joint replacement surgery on this Thursday and I'm afraid that May 30 or 31 is too early for me to leave her home alone. I have a pre-paid planned trip for June 4-7 and a committed meeting here of our Western NC Woodworkers Association on Saturday June 13th (Gregory Paolini is conducting a workshop for us on his A&C furniture -- see latest issue of FWW; I could leave here after that meeting).

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Rob's proposed dates all work for me. Since Rob has an interest in President I am happy to settle for Exec VP or continue on as Secretary.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
SWOT, have I seen a lot of those lately. We need to ensure we have a plus/delta at the conclusion as well ;-)

As for positions I am amenable to anything but secretary and development director.

The dates Rob has suggested work for me as well.


New User
Scott Smith
Question only, no hidden agenda or purpose: Will this proposed meeting include the out-going BoD or just the new BoD?


I too would prefer that it include both. As a new board member, it would be beneficial to receive insight from the retiring board members.
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