What's been going on in the shop recently

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I wasn't worried about the carpet, I was concerned about too much bounce when it wasn't needed :oops::lol::lol::lol:
Without the center legs there was too great of a potential for sag. It's a king sized bed.
Nice work Dave, a bed is at the top of my project list when I am finished setting up the shop. I am dang tired of my pillow banging into the mini-blinds without a headboard present at the moment. :wconfused: When I bought my queen sized bedding the retailer was quite explicit that the manufactuer required a center support to maintain warranty so I am sure for a king size it would be mandated also. The center support you put in was a wise move. :wsmile:

Steve W

New User
That's a nice, elegant solution!

Yeah, I take so long getting to things that sometimes they get done for me instead...

:kermit: Steve

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason

I have no idea how I missed this thread all weekend. :eusa_doh: That looks like a very solid and elegant solution to the problem. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

That thread from woodnet was one of my favorites on that site. I'm not too familiar with Moser furniture, but from those two beds, I think I am a big fan now. :icon_thum

Did you all buy that when you were down here last weekend? Man, I'm sorry. It is a nice looking bed, but I'm sure you would've rather built the moser one. Next time you're down here, just put my number on speed dial and if the LOYL starts looking at something else that you were going to build, I'll zip over to where you are and provide a diversion so you can get her out of the store. :rotflm:



New User
That was a great solution to the problem Dave, looks great. I know handling those long rails really is a pain in a small shop with equipment that just isn't sized for it. How did you face joint the rails or were they ok when you got them?


New User
Did you all buy that when you were down here last weekend? Man, I'm sorry. It is a nice looking bed, but I'm sure you would've rather built the moser one. Next time you're down here, just put my number on speed dial and if the LOYL starts looking at something else that you were going to build, I'll zip over to where you are and provide a diversion so you can get her out of the store. :rotflm:


Trent the auction was several weeks ago, I did pick it up in Wilmington last weekend. I came out much cheaper and easier than I would have if I made the bed myself, and my wife is happy....all is well.



New User
That was a great solution to the problem Dave, looks great. I know handling those long rails really is a pain in a small shop with equipment that just isn't sized for it. How did you face joint the rails or were they ok when you got them?

All the lumber stock was rough sawn when I bought it. I have my shop set up to handle just a little over 8' max in-feed and out-feed on all machines. Having two giant lizard cages stored in my shop threw a wrench in my layout, and I had to move them several times.....other wise it would have been a breeze :roll::roll::angry9:



New User
Man O man is that kewl :icon_thum Someday, somehow, I'm gonna learn to do stuff like that ! You guys amaze me with your ideas and implementations :eusa_clap
good job ! Can't let The Shoppe Widow see this one :gar-La;

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Been there, done that! Man, don't you just hate it when you have to move the lizard cages! I know I do. :gar-La;



New User
Ok Dave O whats the story on the lizard cages?
And while were at it how come no pictures of chickens in the chicken tractor?
And no picturesd of your daughter on a swing man your slipping, or else all your elve's went on strike:rotflm:


New User
Ok Dave O whats the story on the lizard cages?
And while were at it how come no pictures of chickens in the chicken tractor?
And no picturesd of your daughter on a swing man your slipping, or else all your elve's went on strike:rotflm:

Alright I'll spill the beans.
My Lizard Cage customer has been very delinquent on getting in touch with me as far as a delivery date, and frankly I haven't been pushing the issue, because that would kill a whole Saturday for me.
I haven't got any pictures of the chickens in the cage because they are to stupid to use the ramp and won't come out of the top area. Plus they are just plain embarrassing....these are the chickens my wife decided to keep -


No pictures of my daughter on the swing set...haven't I bored y'all enough :roll::roll:



Corporate Member
Dave, I could never get bored seeing pictures of your beautiful daughter, but those so-called "chickens" have got to go!!!:rotflm:


New User
Wait there's more, here is the second generation that is up coming (and pooping) in my kitchen -


Yea, they look cute now, but wait until they get rebellious and turn punk too :lol::lol::lol::lol:



New User
I think your right Dave, you need some bed steps. That must be the utra double pillow top mattress.
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