Used computer sought for TWA...

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I am currently looking for a used computer to house the Triangle Woodworker's Association membership system and was hoping someone around here might have one they would care to donate to the club. TWA is a charitable organization and I can provide a receipt upon request.

The requirements are:

1. Either a laptop or small desktop
2. Pentium 3 or newer IBM compatible processor
3. A minimum of 512k RAM
4. 30 GB or greater HD
5. A CD-RW drive would be nice, but just a CD-R drive would work.
6. At least one usb connection and a parallel printer port
7. 10/100 Lan cable port
8. Windows XP or 2000 operating system would be nice, but not required. I can add one later. I can reformat if it has WIN 97

Monitor, keyboard, mouse or printer - not required, and really not desired.

To give you a better idea of what I am looking for - the PC will hold a MS Access application used to keep track of the TWA membership system. It will be passed to anyone performing that duty, so it needs to be small enough they could easily break it out and in the worse case scenario, connect their own monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer and internet cable when working on the machine. A laptop would work very nicely and also allow them to bring the system to the monthly meetings, if desired. I have a CD-RW drive I can put in the machine and maybe some memory depending upon the type.

The hard drive needs to be able to hold the OS, MS Office applications Word, Excel, Outlook and Access. The application itself is about 2 gb, and member photos will take an estimated 8-10 gb. The CDRW drive will need to be used to do periodic backups of the application and data.

I might be able to take a smaller HD, but need to check my personal used pc equipment first.

I am going top place the same request in the TWA newsletter if necessary, but do to this brainstorm occurring prior to publication time of the April newsletter I thought I would try here first.

Please email or send me a PM if you have such an animal laying around. I live in the Cary area and work in downtown Durham. So coming over to pick up the machine in most of the Triangle Area would be no problem.

Thank you for your consideration.



What software do you have to install on it.?

Application software - I have MS Office 2000 & 2003 professional. Either one will run the membership application which is a MS Access application I put together. Other than the OS and Office, I am going to load the AVG antivirus program on it. If necessary, I will load a copy of my old XP or 2000 OS.


New User
Ok, I can give you a laptop, but you'll have to wait until I have time to scrub it. I guess I should see if it still works:rotflm:


Administrator , Forum Moderator
If this post nets you parts instead of computer I could build you one, I have lots of parts and could come close to what you need and the price would be fair. That is the price of "0". Glad to do it for a fellow member. If I can help just let me know. May need some memory to complete the system for you. I live in Salisbury but maybe the pony express can be activated to get it to you.



If this post nets you parts instead of computer I could build you one, I have lots of parts and could come close to what you need and the price would be fair. That is the price of "0". Glad to do it for a fellow member. If I can help just let me know. May need some memory to complete the system for you. I live in Salisbury but maybe the pony express can be activated to get it to you. Tracy

Thanks, Tracy. I got a good response, and I should have a laptop shortly! :icon_chee I too, have had fun building my pcs. However, I will admit after having done several from scratch and countless upgrades, the novelty wore off and I broke down and bought the last one! On the flip side, if you decide you are going to put one together, let ME know and I will let you know what type of memory I have stashed away. Maybe I can help YOU out! :gar-Bi


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Thanks, Tracy. I got a good response, and I should have a laptop shortly! :icon_chee I too, have had fun building my pcs. However, I will admit after having done several from scratch and countless upgrades, the novelty wore off and I broke down and bought the last one! On the flip side, if you decide you are going to put one together, let ME know and I will let you know what type of memory I have stashed away. Maybe I can help YOU out! :gar-Bi
You are welcome, I build some pc's and give them to children, mostly from work leftovers, light pc game computers and basic internet. I have enough parts to build a couple of pc's if anyone has children that they need basic pc's for they can post here or pm me and if I can help I will.



New User
Pete Davio
Rick, what about using Linux and as the app??? avoid any pesky issues with having an 'unlicensed' copy of windows or office which may give operating headaches.


Rick, what about using Linux and as the app??? avoid any pesky issues with having an 'unlicensed' copy of windows or office which may give operating headaches.

Great suggestion.

The problems I see -

I am unfamiliar with installing Linux on a machine, tried it in the past without much luck. That is 100% reflection upon ME and not the OS!

The membership application is written in MS Access. I looked at OO's Base, but it would require a lot of rework and more time on my part to do a conversion. Plus I was not convinced I COULD duplicate it. I do use the document and spreadsheet programs from OO and they are a GREAT alternative to Office.

Open Office document program is a very viable alternative to Word, and I am going to strongly suggest the person who does the newsletter considers it. If for no other reason than the built in ability to save in PDF format.

At this point I am burned out to the point the idea of having to learn a new application (Base) is just completely unappealing. :wconfused: Should the new person desire to do that, they could.

Very good ideas, and if I were just starting out, I would FIND a way to use the OO products. Just not in me to do it now!


I wanted to take a moment and thank our illustrious leader, Steve, for donating a VERY nice laptop to TWA to use to house the membership application. This is a very nice machine with plenty of horsepower. Thank you Mr Coles for your generosity!

This thread can be closed with much thanks! :icon_chee


If this post nets you parts instead of computer I could build you one, I have lots of parts and could come close to what you need and the price would be fair. That is the price of "0". Glad to do it for a fellow member. If I can help just let me know. May need some memory to complete the system for you. I live in Salisbury but maybe the pony express can be activated to get it to you.


The one I'm typing this reply on could use a bit of an update. It's a 486 DX33 96MB ram and a 5 GB HDD - runs a hacked up Red Hat Linux kernel, X windows and Firefox. It's solid as a rock the only time it's gets a reboot is when the power goes off. I can't remember the exact year when I built this one but it was sometime back in the early 90's. it's just the same as it was when I built it, only thing I added was a 10MBPS Ethernet NIC and an EIDE CDRom drive. It's never once broke down (knock on wood) original power supply, 3 1/2 floppy and case. not to fast but I like the UI and stability of this computer alot more my new one running windos. :tongue100:
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