To hinge or handle????

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New User
Dang Jeremy, you're taking my scrap wood boxes to $300+ boxes. Some day when folks are buying what I make, I can step up to that level...someday:-D :-D


LoL ... I hear ya! I've never used the wooden hinge gizmo ... but it looks cool. I thought this might be an excuse to buy one! haha

I posted that post before I saw your handle ... the handle looks sweet. I might have to vote on that now ... or maybe both! lol :saw:


New User
I love that box! Either way you go with the handle or without It's a stunning piece.
I have questions about your technique; do you make a 6 sided box and saw in two or make the lid separate from the box? How are the legs attached and what joinery did you use?


New User
I love that box! Either way you go with the handle or without It's a stunning piece.
I have questions about your technique; do you make a 6 sided box and saw in two or make the lid separate from the box? How are the legs attached and what joinery did you use?

Barbara, I generally make a box and cut the lid off. If working with figured woods or ones with a strong grain pattern that help keep continuity, but in this box PH has almost no grain so the effect is lost. The legs are attached by 1/8" brass rods in holes I bored out. I made a little jig to space them and get them 135° to the box sides. A tight fit and some CA keeps the brass rods in place.


Senior User
I would vote for a handle. And I would go in a slightly different direction: an oriental-style bar handle on two wooden pegs. Given the bar handle a slight concave bend along the long axis of the bar-handle and make the handle thicker on the ends than in the middle.

The box is very horizontal..I think you need a very horizontal (long) handle.

Setting the handle on pegs will echo the visual lifting of the box by the legs, as will making the ends of the handle thicker..the box appears heavier on the ends due to the legs.

I'd draw you a sketch, but evidently I suck at Paint Shop.

My $0.02 only,
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