Thread Preview 'upgrade'

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New User
Chris Mathes
(This is in regards to the 'preview' bubble that pops up on the title of a thread to show you the first couple lines of the discussion)

I've just completed what I think will be seen as an 'upgrade' to the thread preview. This was initiated by a change request from mtrager and pappyj who wanted the preview to last on the screen longer. I did a little looking around and found this module that takes the control away from the browser and gives it to us. It also gives us a little room to do some customization, as you can see. Since it were important to some of the members, I went ahead and tried it out on the test site and brought it over here. :)

The improvements include:
1-the graphic can be changed...I changed it from the standard box to a 'comic' bubble.
2-the preview moves with the mouse
3-we can set the size of the preview and it will be set regardless of the browser you are using.

Anyway, if you have problems or see any unusual behavior, please post in the Help Desk.



New User
Chris Mathes
FABULOUS! Works like a charm.

Thank you - your site is top notch.

Mitch Trager

Good...Great! I'm glad it was what you were looking for.

...and make no mistake that this is Steve Coles site. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap He is THE MAN!



You mean the info that shows up when you hover your mouse over the title of the screen, right? That is great - but mine shows in a box instead of a bubble. It doesn't matter to me, but just to wanted to mention it.


New User
Chris Mathes
Cool...seems to be a hit so far. Please let me know if you are annoyed or whatever by it...we can do 'some' customization.

Cathy...there is one page that I have found that does not show it, but it should work on the 'New Posts' link or if you look at any specific forums. When I get a chance, I'll look at upgrading the rogue page you found :)

Mike...nice to hear it works on a Mac. I hadn't thought about whether it would work on that platform. I'm with you on the merit of showing the last thread, but I don't think we can do least not with an acceptable end result :)



Corporate Member
Thank You very much. It sure will be a time saver for us folks that are not on the system every day. :eusa_danc


New User
Pete Davio
Chris, the balloon seems to pop up below the thread title, which obscures the balloon near the bottom of the page... can you change that, so the bubble is either smart, or pops upwards???


Corporate Member
Nice job Chris:icon_thum. It wasn't my idea, I only commented that it wouldn't work on IE or Firefox.
Thanks for taking the time to work it out. It is a big time-saver if you haven't visited the site for a few days.:eusa_clap
Take care,
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