There's a Black Hole in my shop.


New User
Yes, that's right. There's a black hole in my shop. It has an appetite for measuring devices, and pencils. The Black Hole follows me around the shop and gobbles up a tape measure, or pencil. Gone. Poof! Of course, I look high and low and can't find it. I finally give up looking and buy a replacement. Guess what. A day or two later, the lost item appears in the shop. The damn Black Hole, coughs it up, leaving it right where I'll find it. Bastard.


Staff member
Corporate Member
Pencils and tapes are both herd animals. Where you find one you usually find most of the others. They are also very shy creatures hanging out in the furthest corner of your shop from where you need them.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
I've had similar occurrences in my shop. I believe it is the work of the Gremlins that hide in the crawl space under the shop. I've tried several methods to catch them, eradicate them, punish them, all to no avail. I've also noticed they seem to be at their worst right after I clean the shop. That's when they really move things around in the dark of night. And that, friends, is why I no longer clean my shop. Blame it on the Gremlins! ;)


Senior User
On average, people spend about 55 minutes a day looking for things they can't find. This adds up to over 6.5 months of our lives, or almost 5,000 hours spent looking for things.

The most common items that go missing are:
Glasses, Pens, Mobile phones, Keys, Phone chargers, Tops, Bed and bath linen, and Underwear.

The living room and bedroom are the rooms most in need of storage and where people spend the most time looking for things.

People also spend a lot of time searching for information online. On average, people spend 1.8 hours per day searching for information from the internet.


New User
Hell, my lighter went missing yesterday at a crucial time in my daily calendar (420).

Guess what showed up around 420 today?

It's not gremlins. I don't have a crawl space under my shop.

It can't be a poltergeist. They don't have that kind of twisted sense of humor.
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Corporate Member
I, too, have experienced the "black hole"... the best way I have found to reverse the effects of the black hole is to buy replacements (tape meausres, pencils, etc.) soon as the replacements are in the shop the black hole releases its hoard of stuff! Unfortunately, the the process is a big cycle, soon the black hole will reclaim the old and the new!


Corporate Member
I, too, have experienced the "black hole"... the best way I have found to reverse the effects of the black hole is to buy replacements (tape meausres, pencils, etc.) soon as the replacements are in the shop the black hole releases its hoard of stuff! Unfortunately, the the process is a big cycle, soon the black hole will reclaim the old and the new!
I think you are experiencing firsthand Hawking radiation. This is Nobel prize level stuff, so keep accurate notes - that is unless your pencil has disappeared again 😆


New User
I think you are experiencing firsthand Hawking radiation. This is Nobel prize level stuff, so keep accurate notes - that is unless your pencil has disappeared again 😆
Dammit - I was afraid it might be Hawking Radiation :-(


Corporate Member
I think you are experiencing firsthand Hawking radiation. This is Nobel prize level stuff, so keep accurate notes - that is unless your pencil has disappeared again 😆
Joe, I think you are right...sometimes my shop seems to be an "event horizon".


Corporate Member
Couple years ago I broke down and bought a new tape measure. I have a 30' one I got back in the 80's but the 15' ones always disappear.

The new 15 footer then disappeared again. Last week my daughter was over and I was helping her clean some trash out of her car. LO and BEHOLD there it was in the door pocket of her back seat!

I looked at her and said you have no idea the despair this has caused me over the last year. At least it "wasn't me" this time!

She just laughed and said "whoops".


Robert Slone
Senior User
I'm pretty sure in my shop/barn it's camel crickets, but I have wondered about the cats.


New User
I stop looking for things after a few minutes. My ADHD brain latches onto something else and I am off to the races on another project. What I have noticed is that while looking for the next thing the Gremlins/Event Horizon/Poltergeists/My Daughter/Cat/Dog have wandered off with, I find the thing I was looking for earlier.

My advice is to stop looking for whatever it is, and look for something else!

Mike Davis

Corporate Member
I have to take responsibility for my own failures. my brain gets busy thinking of the next steps I need to make and I lay my tape/pencil/tool down where ever I used it. I go on to the next thing and forget where I was because I don't need to be there next. I'm always trying to think of the next thing, not the last. My solution is to buy a dozen pencils at a time and place them all around the shop. I have 5-10 tapes, several rulers, over 40 calipers/compasses. But certain tools that are rather pricy and required for certain operations I have learned to make a space for just that tool and to always put it back in that space.

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