The Griz has arrived!

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Corporate Member
The new Grizzly G0623X was scheduled for deliver next Tuesday. I checked the tracking number this morning at about 11 and found that it had already arrived in Raleigh (Morrisville, actually). Being the impatient soul that I am, I called UPS and asked if I could come pick it up. And that is what I did.


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One crate and one box, which can almost be seen to the left above. Got the box in the shop and unpacked. Fences, sliding table and various pieces and parts.

One small gouge in the sliding table on the outside surface. Should not be a problem.

Opened up the crate with a big crowbar and a hammer. Lots of boxes shoved into ever nook and cranny around the cabinet. The boxes contained the extension tables, fence stops, and other accessories, and the operators manual.

After removing all the boxes, breaking down the sides of the crate and unscrewing the hold down brackets, I tested the weight of the cabinet. No problem. I can do this by myself.

I was able to slide it off of the pallet and walk it to the back of my tailgate and on to the deck. Walked it to the door and had to lift one side about 4 inches to get it up on the sill. Walked around the back side and lifted and turned it up onto the sill and into the shop. From there it was easy to slide it across the sawdust covered wood floors.

And here it is.

Quick shots of the innards.

Looking forward to getting it assembled this weekend.

Bill Clemmons

Corporate Member
Mark, I'm not sure, but you sound just a little excited and happy. Am I reading more into this than you intended? :rotflm:

Congratulations!!!!! :eusa_danc



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Now where was that Jealous Smiley :dontknow::icon_scra:help::rotflm:


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Pretty darn cool Mark. I'm just gonna have to say it - you suck!!! Now get 'er assembled! Oh, and don't forget to apply paste wax, some folks may start doing some drooling...


Master of None
Having just had my Grizz arrival moment a few weeks ago, I know just how you feel Mark!:gar-Bi

Enjoy setting 'er up this weekend and making some sawdust again!


Joe Lyddon

New User
Joe Lyddon

Man O Man! That is one HUGE saw! :banana::banana: :slap:

You're stronger than an OX moving that around like you did... Nobody here is going to mess with you! :rotflm:

I can see you have your work cut out for you... I know you will take it cool... reading the instructions very carefully...

That is going to be just plain AWESOME!

I think you're the first person I know to have a saw THAT BIG!

I'm HAPPY for you! I FEEL your happiness & enthusiasm!

Enjoy... Be Careful... and may it work FLAWLESSLY...
... when the giant switch is thrown! :saw: :eusa_booh :new_blowi :rotflm:

:3dblob3: :qright5: :rotflm:
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