The Ernie Miller Story (ARTICLE IN REPLY)

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New User
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Recognition well-earned :icon_thum
We are proud to have you on NCWWer!


Alan in Little Washington

Alan Schaffter
Corporate Member
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Hi all,

So there I was - puttering around the shop - building something very few folks want to buy and even less want to listen to. Just minding my own business when the phone rings. It's American Woodworker magazine and they want to do a spread about harpsichord building. "How did you get my name" I asked. The answer - ALAN IN LITTLE WASHINGTON. That's right, our own Alan in Little Washington sent them my name and suggested they do this story. So now you know who to blame.:gar-Bi

Once again, I'm flattered by all of your comments (and more than a little embarrassed)! I bought all of the available copies in Eastern North Carolina - all four of them, so someday my grandkids can read the article and enjoy grand-pa's 4 pages in the sun.

Thanks to everyone and especially to Alan.


Yup, I was to blame . . . . and feel privileged and honored to have been able to do it!! (Now all I need is my editor to return my emails! :dontknow: )


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Once again, I'm flattered by all of your comments (and more than a little embarrassed)!
Ernie, there is only one thing worse than arrogance, and that's false modesty! Your craftsmanship is outstanding, and definitely deserved to be printed.

:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap


Corporate Member
Re: The Ernie Miller Story


Way to go...and well deserved. And Kudu's to AILW for pointing AW in the right direction.

I'm anxiously awaiting my subscription copy of AW.

Dan C.


Corporate Member
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Congrats Ernie. Well deserved Kudoes to both you and Sandy. I think the bold print for the topic ("A great American Woodworker") and the article title (Ernie Miller, Harpsichord builder extraordinaire") were spot on. :icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum:icon_thum


PS: For those of you bearded brothers-in-wood that were wanting info on respirators, there is also a good review of four different models in the same issue.


New User
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Congrats, Ernie! And good man, Alan!

I got my magazine today and enjoyed the article ... even more-so since Ernie has become such a well-known NCWWer!

For those who didn't read it, here ya go!

And of course, if you like this ... you should subscribe to American Woodworker magazine!!!


Corporate Member
Re: The Ernie Miller Story

Congratulations Ernie!!!!:icon_cheers:icon_cheers:icon_cheers:icon_cheers

That was a wonderful article to read!!!

One thing that I picked up on that I wasn't aware of was you building the model harpsichords!!!:elvis::elvis: Your overall patience must be commended!

Again. I thought the article was well done and your work excellent reflection of your talent.

Thanks too for the site plug!



New User
Congratulations Ernie ! It was a job well done, and I personally enjoyed the show. Once again, thank you for using our site for you documentation.
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