Symposium Report

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Staff member
Corporate Member
Here are my thoughts from our presense at the Wood Turner Symposium:

- We have had discussions with four vendors who are expressing an interest in purchasing ad space from us. Three of the four are Carolina based.

- Rob and I got to meet several NCWW members we had never met before and to renew with a few others.

- We sold seven raffle tickets. Cash in hand. More folks took mail in forms or might purchase online.

- Based on comments I would expect we will gain at least a dozen members

- Several of the wood turning clubs have expressed an interest in our site and will be adding a link to our site from theirs. We should consider doing the same for them. They also took information back to pass out to the membership.

- For the turners on our site that did not attend they really missed out. Their was some great deals on wood and tooling. From the reports we got the speakers were great and more then worth the price.

All and all I think we were wise to take our show on the road.


I concur with all of Scott's comments -- I will forward information to Tracy about our potential advertisers and maybe we'll see some needed revenue, too. This has been our first attempt at a "show" type environmernt and we've learned some things that we can do better -- for example, a nice banner and some table coverings would make lots of different -- a folio of some member projects, some calendars, etc. Having a computer online to show people is great -- a large flat panel monitor would make it better...All-in-all, a good opportunity for the organization.


I've got to add a note about the "Scott 'N Rob" Show....we sold two chances to the Raffle to a nice old lady from California! Are we good or what!

Tar Heel

New User
The state fair ends today. Wonder if they will need a couple of extra hucksters at their next venue. If so...... :wsmile: Good job guys.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Glad to hear it guys. Good exposure and good interaction.

As far as the Raffle, UGH.... I am working on receipts and ticket numbers as I type this.

In all seriousness, how do you want to handle your expenses? You want to send me receipts, tell me how much, what? I have no qualms with whatever means you feel is appropriate, just as long as I have a record/paper trail. Drop me a PM with the specifics and we can go from there.


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Good report. I wish I could have made it but we had some activities at Church that demanded my presence. Hopefully next time.

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Thanks for the good work Scott and Rob. We need to put the issue of site referrals on our agenda for our next meeting.
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