SteelCity DP Laser Manual

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Corporate Member
Back in June of this year I finally got my new SteelCity 17" drillpress set up.:icon_thum

I had gone through a fair bit of hassle getting it into operation due to a missing capture ring for the table raise/lower rack.

Last month, a SteelCity representative (from the Canadian customer support group) offered to send me the laser accessory as compensation for my troubles.

I received it yesterday but there were no instructions for setup.:BangHead:

I played with it a bit last night and I think I have it aligned but was wondering if anyone had a manual I could copy to verify my setup methods?

The SteelCity Laser model number I have is 25415.

If anyone has this accessory and would be willing to share a copy of the manual with me, it sure would be appreciated.

(I have checked the SteelCity website and elsewhere on the web, but ain't havin' much luck.)




New User
wayne, I have that laser on my new drillpress. Im not sure if I still have the manual, but if not I can help you set it up. It's not hard, just tedious
Back in June of this year I finally got my new SteelCity 17" drillpress set up.:icon_thum

I had gone through a fair bit of hassle getting it into operation due to a missing capture ring for the table raise/lower rack.

Last month, a SteelCity representative (from the Canadian customer support group) offered to send me the laser accessory as compensation for my troubles.

I received it yesterday but there were no instructions for setup.:BangHead:

I played with it a bit last night and I think I have it aligned but was wondering if anyone had a manual I could copy to verify my setup methods?

The SteelCity Laser model number I have is 25415.

If anyone has this accessory and would be willing to share a copy of the manual with me, it sure would be appreciated.

(I have checked the SteelCity website and elsewhere on the web, but ain't havin' much luck.)




Corporate Member
Thankyou guys!!!!!!!!:eusa_danc:eusa_danc:eusa_danc

With your verbal coaching (Steve) and that laser section of the Craftsman manual (Bas) I was able to dial it in pretty darn close!!:icon_cheers:icon_cheers

The most frustration I had was while tightening the set screw on the alignment knobs, things would move on me.:gar-Cr
After about a 1/2 dozen tries, I got it!

I am all set now .............'til next time.

Thanks again fellas!



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I am all set now .............'til next time.
I've found that as soon as you move the table up or down, the laser is out of alignment. If you're making a bunch of dowel holes, it's worth the effort adjusting the laser, but for one or two holes....

The good thing is that inevitably you leave the laser on by accident, draining the battery. The combined effort of readjusting the laser and finding a new battery is enough to discourage laser use altogether :gar-La;


New User
I've found that as soon as you move the table up or down, the laser is out of alignment. If you're making a bunch of dowel holes, it's worth the effort adjusting the laser, but for one or two holes....

The good thing is that inevitably you leave the laser on by accident, draining the battery. The combined effort of readjusting the laser and finding a new battery is enough to discourage laser use altogether :gar-La;
Bas, it depends on how much you are moving the table. If adjusted correctly, then table movement should not matter. On my old DP, once I adjusted it, it was right on. I haven't done it yet with new DP.

For the new DP I bought the Steel City branded laser which has a plugin in capabilty, so no dead batteries:eusa_danc
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