Steaming Warped Wht Oak to Straighten

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sash plane

New User

I had a White Oak plank 8/4 x 17" that I cut into 2" x 3" boards to glue up to make a 3" bench top.
Some of the boards even while I was cutting warped... as in the kerf opened up as much as 1.5" or along the 3" side... so now the 1 sec old cut 2x3 is now warped... the Oak Plank is still sum what green when cut....

Here is what i'm thinking of doing.... there only 6' long, so im going to steam them... then put in a bending jig with a little bend in it so when it springs back it should be straight....????:eusa_thin

How much spring bend should I put in it..... they are still in the ruff so after they dry, I will work them and glue then... Pic will show what i've am talking about with bend.....


Howard Acheson

New User
As you suspect, the wood is either not fully dried or was not acclimated to your shop for a long enough period.

Before I would attempt to steam it, I would stack and sticker it and let it fully dry. If you steam it you are essentially wetting the wood completely again and it can take many months to fully dry.

sash plane

New User
Ya..... I thought that also....but....I'm building a Solar Kiln like the one in pic.... It can hold about 1000 Bd Ft..... and dry a load in about 4 to 6 weeks..... I'm tired of having to wait to do anything....!!!!!!!! I don't have a stock pile of lumber yet..... all stuff I have bought so far was ruff cut and green.... I do have some small 4' white planks that have been air drying 2 yrs now....but that's all.....:gar-Bi. I'll post a pic of mine when I get done.....but it should look like this....
So I'll steam them then put in strighting jig, then let dry in kiln.....????



New User
Sounds like trying to straighten cooked noodles. If n it twas me, rip em oversized. sticker em, let em dry, sorry but yeah gotta wait, then joint and plane em, glue em up asap after u work em
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