Should Be a NCWW Event????

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Administrator , Forum Moderator
For all of you that saw TedAs's wooden clock at the Klingspor Extravaganza this weekend. Ted was asked by one of the clubs that meet at Hickory Klingspor to do a seminar to describe his building steps for the clock. I am thinking again:widea::widea:. We should support Ted and as many of us need to be there as possible so he is among friends and colleagues in his first public seminar. Should we make this a North Carolina Woodworker event? At the discretion of Coleman of course. BTW, Ted accepted the invitation:icon_cheers.
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Re: Should Be a NCWW Event

Any POSITIVE way to get our name and mission out ot the WW world is a good thing. My take is members like Ted are our back bone and Ted is a great supporter of the site. The site should support him.


Re: Should Be a NCWW Event

I believe it was the Western Piedmont Woodcrafters that asked Ted to come speak. I spent a fair amount of time chatting with Bob Sauer, their President and they seem like a great group. I gave them several of our cards and I am sure we'd be more than welcome to their meeting to show supprt for their club as well as to further the link between local and our wider area organization. (And yes, I sold a few Raffle Tickets to some of their members!) They meet at the Klingspor Store in Hickory.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Re: Should Be a NCWW Event

Any POSITIVE way to get our name and mission out ot the WW world is a good thing. My take is members like Ted are our back bone and Ted is a great supporter of the site. The site should support him.

I totally agree the site should support him, but how? What would we do/be doing?:eusa_thin


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Re: Should Be a NCWW Event

In my mind the support would be in the form of making our general membership aware so they can attend if they want. We are not talking $$$$.

Travis Porter

Corporate Member
I wasn't talking dollars or anything. Making membership aware sounds good. Get Ted a shirt to wear for the event? What else? Maybe video tape the thing and put it on utube and link to the site?

I am just thinking out loud.


Staff member
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Travis, I think that is a great idea. A Nice NCWW shirt would be good.
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