Settling In, Closer to Home Ownership, and Downsizing the Shop

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New User
Figured I'd give a little "life update" for my friends on NCWW.

As you probably already know, we are now in Florida. Both my wife and I have started new jobs and that is going great. We have been house hunting & just this week found one that we are now in the process of buying.

The shop has been "closed" for some time now and I am getting the woodworking itch really bad. Can't wait to get some tools setup. Unfortunately, this house doesn't have the shop that I so hoped for, so back to the garage I go (for now, at least). If all goes well, we'll be moved into the new house late next month and hopefully by winter I'll have the shop functional again.

For the past several years I have been buying in hopes of building a larger shop, however I don't see that happening for a while. I will likely be downsizing a few tools and going back to bench-top models to save space. I'm not committing to that yet, but it may be reality unless I want to continue to be squeeze in.

I've included a few pictures of the house below. It is in a really unique neighborhood for this area. The house does not have river access directly, but the neighborhood is made up of about 20 houses and there is a shared picnic area with river access & canoes/kayaks to take out. Pretty neat & hope to make use of this when I'm there.


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Corporate Member
Glad to see things are going well for you.

The house and the lot look really nice.
Bummer about the shop space.

Things are pretty much the same up here. Mike has graciously allowed me to make occasional use of his bandsaw ( Thanks Mike) but his fridge isn't stocked as well as yours. :wink_smil

Keep in touch


New User
Good to hear from you, Jeremy. :icon_thum We miss you on here. What river is the house near? Are you norht of Tampa? Take care and keep up posted, Bud. Good luck.:wsmile:

Russ Denz

New User
Beautiful house AND location, Jeremy, but I wondered where the gators were...until I saw the last pic :icon_cheers. I hear they are good woodcarvers, albeit the style is questionable. Good to hear from you.


New User
Good to hear from you J-Man. Nice house but I don't see any good turning wood on that lot! I guess it's the price to be paid for living in paradise. Just don't get caught swimming with the gators!

Trent Mason

New User
Trent Mason
I'm glad to hear that things are going well. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap Looks like a beautiful house in a beautiful area. I'm sure you'll figure out something about the shop size dilemma. Keep us posted. :thumbs_up:thumbs_up


New User
Thanks, guys. I do miss NC, but this is the right move for the family and happy to make it all happen. The river is the Braden River, which connects to the Manatee River, then the Gulf of Mexico. We about 45 minutes (drive) south of Tampa. I'll keep you posted on my woodworking happenings in the future ...


Staff member
Corporate Member
Looks like a beautiful house and area to live in. :icon_thum
If I'd known you didn't have a place to put those big old tools I coulda saved ya some coin & let ya put 'em in MY shop - for safekeeping, of course, 'til ya found a place to use 'em. :gar-La;:gar-La;


Staff member
Corporate Member
Looks like a great place. I might have to take a road trip in FL this winter.:widea:


Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Looks great Jeremy! Just remember that this is a long term hobby. Eventually you'll have that big shop so you can lose tools more easily. Besides, with a view like that, who would get anything done :)


New User
Good to hear from you Jeremy! I agree with Bas, don't unload anything, find storage. Eventually you will find a larger shop. I think I see a spot that would accomodate a small 20x30 building as a start.:icon_thum

Nice place, and it doesn't look that flat in the pics! Come see us!
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