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New User
Ok, let's keep this thread to the issue at hand, the pizza thread. I have read this again and again and I still don't see NC/South bashing. Now part of that may be becuase Roger and Jon did a good job. Otherwise I must be missing something. The only I see that might be questionable is the xxxxx "sucks" Raleigh, NC, etc. Otherwise, all I see are the typical, I like the regional specialities of another place better.

So, what am I missing?? I don't mean that sarcastically, I mean it seriously. Clearly, I and others, are missing something, because there are several here who felt that NC/South bashing was taking place.

So please, if you can, please provide some explicit examples and then let's discuss them.

Thanks for your patience while I sort this out.


New User
Perhaps "bash" is too strong a word. There is some "criticism" of the food (pizza, hot dogs, subs) and night life ("much to be desired"). WW2K dug out some of the lines in his second post that was deleted. Again, I wouldn't call them inappropriate at all. The only inapppropriate comment I saw was WW2K's "yankee go home" posts, which were dealt with appropriately, IMO.


I agree, Monty -- it was more of a "pompous" slant by more posters than bashing -- i.e., "ours is better" versus "yours is garbage" and most were complaining they couldn't get what they used to get back home. Okay, here are some examples of the pompous attitudes:
Tom Dunn sets the tone in his opener (my emphasis):
I love North Carolina......'cept for the pizza......:thumbs_do
Ordered a pizza from a new place a couple days ago, crust was nice and thin but SOGGY.

Next six posts are supportive of first to find good places and are fine. But then Shayne reverts a bit with:
I completely agree that pizza sucks here.
Posts stay civil until #14 by Jeff..., who introduces the Chicago style preference with
I have yet to find Chicago style around here, which is much more preferred.
Not bad, but then he gets into night-life and ends his thread with
Raleigh has much to be desired in the way of a "good night out".
There is no reaction to his "pro-Chicago" style, so in Post 18, he continues with
Oh and what's up with the hot dogs around here?
and is as close to bashing NC as one can with his pictures. In Post 19, ACobra289 gets that drift with his
Is this turning into a "let's bash NC food" thread?
Posts 20-23 change the theme to Chicago vs NY/NJ Style with Sediener ending his with
You can get good regional food in NC, you just have to know where to go... so quit yer whining.
-- a minor shot at Jeff...
In Post 24, Jeff... continues with
You can't even get a good beer Brat around here, you have to cook your own...
Woodworker2000's post got deleted, but I am quoting it in its entirety
Why do people feel the need to move to NC (or elsewhere in the South) and complain about how they can't find a decent "x" (you fill in the blank) like they could "back home" or how we just don't know how to "y" (fill in the blank) down here? Have they ever considered that just because something was done a particular way in their old state, it doesn't mean that it is the only/best/right way? These same always people seem to have this annoying "I'm from the north or I'm from a larger town than Raleigh so I know so much more, am so much more cultured, and have better taste than you common folk down here in NC" attitude.

If things were so great back in the home state, maybe they should move back so they can get the world's best "x" (again, you fill in the blank) and make their lives complete.

I think he has a valid point, but unfortunately, he is referencing the people versus the themes. IMHO, his last paragraph is what crosses the line.
Douglas Robinson responded to that post with a very positive post
I came from the North, but I love it here! I have no plans to return. There are many many things I prefer here.
Then Woodworker2000's second post responded with
I call it like I see it. Longing for something (and asking where one might find it locally) is different than whining that "x" sucks down here because it is different from what you are used to. The same goes for claiming that what you could get "back home" is "the best in the world" (implying that what is available around here is inferior).

I love North Carolina......'cept for the pizza......

All of the above pizzeria owners are from NJ or NY, not that I'm favoring them, but that is where the best pizza in the world comes from

I too am from the North country, even lived in Binghamton for a period. I completely agree that pizza sucks here.

Raleigh has much to be desired in the way of a "good night out".

Oh and what's up with the hot dogs around here?

You can't even get a good beer Brat around here.

What we need is some good food around here like New York style subs
I think he is absolutely 100% correct and sorry, I do not find it argumentative.
in 33, Jtodd71 closed the thread and then reopened it with
Please just keep it civil and remember Try and not post anything that would be offesive to anyone here at NCWW.
The next few are more "Northern nostalgia" until Jeff... quoted Jtodd71's post and took a shot at a Moderator doing his job with
little quick on the draw hu?
I like Jeff, but this is rubbing salt into a wound and was totally uncalled for! It is a cheap shot.

In 38, JackLeg rekindles the "War of Northern agression" with a new food group and challenges the thread with
If one or more of you "expatriated Yanks" want to do something really constructive for NC, then open a good bakery!
OK, bring it on!!
(His bold, not mine, which I think is significant).
And it ends with post 43 as jtodd71 let Jeff... know why he closed the thread the first time
No Im giving it another chance. There were so[me] comments that were deleted that you didnt see.
(I added a word correction).

IMHO, Woodworker2000 tried to deal with the pompous attitudes because I think he felt they also conveyed feelings of contempt for some failure to provide any comparative foods here -- frankly, I read this thread as mild NC bashing, too. And it sure does not belong on this website! I think the policy should change to prohibit any regional comparisons like this -- the NC BBQ threads we've had in the past all led to East vs West and this thread is North vs South. It is just not appropriate.

I apologize for the long, long post, but you asked for our input Steve.


New User
I agree, Monty -- it was more of a "pompous" slant by more posters than bashing -- i.e., "ours is better" versus "yours is garbage" and most were complaining they couldn't get what they used to get back home. Okay, here are some examples of the pompous attitudes:
Tom Dunn sets the tone in his opener (my emphasis): and

Next six posts are supportive of first to find good places and are fine. But then Shayne reverts a bit with:

Posts stay civil until #14 by Jeff..., who introduces the Chicago style preference with Not bad, but then he gets into night-life and ends his thread with
There is no reaction to his "pro-Chicago" style, so in Post 18, he continues with and is as close to bashing NC as one can with his pictures. In Post 19, ACobra289 gets that drift with his
Posts 20-23 change the theme to Chicago vs NY/NJ Style with Sediener ending his with -- a minor shot at Jeff...
In Post 24, Jeff... continues with
Woodworker2000's post got deleted, but I am quoting it in its entirety I think he has a valid point, but unfortunately, he is referencing the people versus the themes. IMHO, his last paragraph is what crosses the line.
Douglas Robinson responded to that post with a very positive post
Then Woodworker2000's second post responded with I think he is absolutely 100% correct and sorry, I do not find it argumentative.
in 33, Jtodd71 closed the thread and then reopened it with
The next few are more "Northern nostalgia" until Jeff... quoted Jtodd71's post and took a shot at a Moderator doing his job with I like Jeff, but this is rubbing salt into a wound and was totally uncalled for! It is a cheap shot.

In 38, JackLeg rekindles the "War of Northern agression" with a new food group and challenges the thread with and (His bold, not mine, which I think is significant).
And it ends with post 43 as jtodd71 let Jeff... know why he closed the thread the first time (I added a word correction).

IMHO, Woodworker2000 tried to deal with the pompous attitudes because I think he felt they also conveyed feelings of contempt for some failure to provide any comparative foods here -- frankly, I read this thread as mild NC bashing, too. And it sure does not belong on this website! I think the policy should change to prohibit any regional comparisons like this -- the NC BBQ threads we've had in the past all led to East vs West and this thread is North vs South. It is just not appropriate.

I apologize for the long, long post, but you asked for our input Steve.
No this exactly what I wanted. I am trying very hard to understand. I would like to think about this a bit before replying.

Come on everyone else what are your opinions. If we can't discuss this without ranker in this forum, then we shouldn't be the staff. I know there are more opinions and I know that we won't agree, but there is a big difference in our perceptions of this thread and we need to come to some consensus.


BTW, I need to give Jtodd71 a pat on the back for handling Jeff's criticism -- and IMHO, Jeff should know better than to chide staff. Of any of the non-deleted posts in the Pizza thread, his were among the most provacative.


Corporate Member
I think that the thread started out innocently enough, by just posing the question. But. Then it seemed to go downhill extremely fast when other food groups were added and peoples personal preferences stated. It quickly mushroomed to a North/South thing. I guess, what really blew my mind was some of the statements from Woodworker2000.....

"........If things were so great back in the home state, maybe they should move back so they can get the world's best "x" (again, you fill in the blank) and make their lives complete."

I too tend to get a little nervous when NC BBQ is discussed. In the past, when this subject comes up it seems to remain civil, with a few personal preferences stated. As a rule, good humor seems to dominate and doesn't end up in East vs West NC BBQ bashing.

Now. I am really fresh in my role as a moderator, and to be very honest, I was at a complete loss as to what to do with the "Pizza thread". I have to admit though, since joining this forum back in December/05, I have never felt this uncomfortable while reading a thread.

In some ways, I think that the thread went a little too far, too fast before we could jump in and take action.



New User
Jon Todd
Well I first off closed it because Mike posted something and it to me really sounded bad at the time(he has deleted that now so?). I don't remember now what it was, I mainly closed it with the intentions of letting things calm down for a few hours and then reopen it with a request of please remember to keep all post civil and friendly. Before I could Mike went in and posted " I'm not the one who closed the thread" That threw me for a loop, I PM'ed a couple of people And then reopened it. If Mike quit because of all of that I'm sorry if I hurt his feelings but He shouldn't have gone into the thread like that after it was closed he could have sent me a PM about it. I did go in and tell all why I closed it. Maybe I shouldn't have closed it but some post in it seemed to be getting hostile. I dont know who but there are 3 post missing at the end of that thread that were bad and the reason I closed it.

Will Goodwin

New User
Will Goodwin
Steve and others:
I think the main problem we run into is that nobody is certain how the words were meant. It is hard to judge the person's intent sometimes without actually hearing them say it. What could have been meant tongue in cheek gets blown way out of proportion. Especially when other people respond.

If I say "I love fishing in the mountains." and someone else says, "Fishing in the mountains stinks, I love fishing on the coast." It could turn sour fast, but only if people take offense to something that was said. Do we not let people voice their opinions? The same thing could happen with tool brands. Maybe we need to just tell people to watch how they word any of their opinions so that it doesn't come across as superiority. Also to put in words like "just kidding" if they are joking around.

Just my 2 cents. I think the moderators were right to step in and shut things down when everything went sour, but I think if we discuss things with everyone, they will do their best to keep the peace.



New User
OK, I'm baccckkk!

Although I wouldn't 100% agree with all of Rob's comments, his reiteration is pretty accurate. The only two "missing" elements are the text I edited from Doug's post (he responded to WW2s first post: Chris, I don't mean to sound harsh. . . .) and the post Mike Davis hard deleted. I did not see it.

Upon reading WW2s second post I deleted it because the italicized quotes were personal and argumentative. I edited Doug's post to remove the specific reference to Chris. Next I reviewed WW2s first post and deleted it because of the if things were so great in the home state, maybe they should move back statement. Finally, I posted an alert in the Mod/Admin thread because I was going offline.

Generally, I considered the thread harmless with the exceptions noted.

:eusa_thin Wait a minute
Apparently I defended the North :eusa_shhh



Well, I'll try this again - I accidentally deleted my own post (or was that a sign to not post?) I have loved this site since I joined. I've learned a lot, offered my share of info/opinions, bs. Have been honored to be a moderator. Until lately.

It seems that we are having more and more, dare I say, ridiculous posts that really seem to be started by someone looking for a fight. As far as the north/south issues, I'm more of the opinion of "if it was so great back wherever, go back and leave us alone". I try never to say anything like that except here. (just did a double check to be sure I am in the right forum). The fact that I feel that way is kind of humorous because I am originally from Ohio (which I know doesn't really count as the north, though I've never figured out why).  Last I checked this was not just one large chat room where occasionally we discuss woodworking.

I am not on line very often when any of the issues are taking place. I have to say I am glad. Like others here, I might have been too flabbergasted at what someone said to civilly know how to respond to them. Jeff's rebuking Jon for closing the thread "prematurely" made me want to suggest he put on his big boy panties and grow up.

I don't know why Mike quit, but I hate that he did. I hate that a lot of folks who used to frequent the site and post don't any more. I guess that all things change, but this trend is a sad one for me.
Last edited:


Clay Lowman
A little late to ring in here, but I will anyway. I think I can honestly say, I don't know if I have ever read any thread by, "someone not from round here" saying something like... "we had it good back home".. and a local saying, "Well, why don't you go back?" People just don't like criticism on where/how they live, no matter what. It has been my experience that rarely do those kinds of discussions stay civil for long. They just usually have bad written all over them. Perhaps this being an election year has something to do with it??
I don't know. Just some random thoughts.


New User
Pete Davio
I second several opinions here, 'cept for one comment(not the whole post), and feel that we have lost something for Mike's departure. but then we have also lost great assets in numerous other members who are no longer active for whatever reasons they may have - some big posters and some not so big, some members of long standing and some quite new that seem to have a lot of potential interesting input....


New User
Jon Todd
So does anyone know why Mike left and they are not telling? Did I do something to make him leave? I didnt mean to if I did. If anyone is in contact with him Please pass along I said no hard feelings and I hope I can call him friend.


New User
Please leave the Mike thing alone, for now. I'll be dealing with it in a day or two.
So does anyone know why Mike left and they are not telling? Did I do something to make him leave? I didnt mean to if I did. If anyone is in contact with him Please pass along I said no hard feelings and I hope I can call him friend.


New User
OK, my thoughts on the Pizza Thread. On the surface just one of those threads that happens from time to time. In general it was moderated properly, but still got out of hand. Partially because WW2's inflammatory comment and I think at one time Mike also said something similar or came to WW2 defense, but I can't be sure since Mike hard deleted all his posts.:BangHead:

Was there bashing going on, I doubt intentionally. But many of the remarks were insensitive to regional attitudes and some people were hurt or mad. And felt that the moderation was one sided. This isn't true, but I can see where those who where very sensitive to the issues might feel that way. Roger and Jon did the best they could under the circumstances. And, in fact, are to be commended on their actions. Thank you guys.

So do we need any change in policy? Not in writing. Every time we add to the written policy and make something else forbidden, we lose our latitude to decide many things that should be decided based on context. We also begin to come across as one THOSE sites.

Should we keep the OT forum. At this point I think yes. NCWW has become more than just a woodworking website. It is a community in a very real sense. The ability to joke with each, with good taste and good sense, is one those things that help make the site what it is. The OT forum is part of that. I would hate to see it go away. I just think for now, we just watch it more closely. Perhaps we should make the moderation job on that forum a volunteer only with hazard pay:gar-Bi

Finally, as i looked through what I could still see of the thread, I found myself classifying the out of bounds posts into 3 categories,

Insensitive wording

You can all guess which is which.:wsmile:

Not to minimize the anti-NC food tone of the thread, but I would like to mention the 3 items that made me furious.

Go Back where you came from ,types of comments. I think this speaks for itself.

Furthering the argument or piling on. - When someone is upset by a post, it doesn't give them the right to lash back in kind. They become just as guilty as the person who said the offending item. They have 2 options, either or both would be alright in book. Report the thread/posts to a moderator and/or send a PM to the person and let them know your feelings.

"I just tell like I see it" - This is a code phrase for, the **** with civility.

Oh just to be clear, staff members, DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to do any of the above and if they do they are more guilty than whoever started it. If we do those things, we lose our credibility and thus our authority.

OK, let the discussion begin:argue:


New User
I had a thought, done totally in 20/20 hindsight. What if this
Tom Dunn said:
I love North Carolina......'cept for the pizza......:thumbs_do
I grew up in Binghamton NY, where they know about spiedies, pizza, and pollen.
I even recall the phone jingle of my favorite shop; "797-9960, call Brozettis for pizza to go." :gar-Bi

I like a thin crust, but crisp.
Ordered a pizza from a new place a couple days ago, crust was nice and thin but SOGGY. Difficult to even skid it from the box to a plate.Seems the best pizza usually comes from places that make only pizzas, as opposed to an Italian restaurant type joint.

Your suggestions for good pizza in the Raleigh-Fuquay area appreciated

Had been edited something like this. Would it have slowed the progression to the toilet?

Tom Dunn said:
I love North Carolina, but I grew up in Binghamton NY, where they know about spiedies, pizza, and pollen.:gar-Bi
I even recall the phone jingle of my favorite shop; "797-9960, call Brozettis for pizza to go." :gar-Bi

I like a thin crust, but crisp.
Ordered a pizza from a new place a couple days ago, crust was nice and thin but SOGGY. Difficult to even skid it from the box to a plate.Seems the best pizza usually comes from places that make only pizzas, as opposed to an Italian restaurant type joint.

Your suggestions for good pizza in the Raleigh-Fuquay area appreciated!


New User
Yes, possibly. But only with clairvoyant foresight to see that a very innocent comment of one's opinion would turn into this site's version of the Civil War :roll::roll::roll:


OK, my thoughts on the Pizza Thread. On the surface just one of those threads that happens from time to time. In general it was moderated properly, but still got out of hand. Partially because WW2's inflammatory comment and I think at one time Mike also said something similar or came to WW2 defense, but I can't be sure since Mike hard deleted all his posts.:BangHead: I agree.

Was there bashing going on, I doubt intentionally. But many of the remarks were insensitive to regional attitudes [I think this was the key factor for why it went bad, and it was almost all one sided] and some people were hurt or mad. And felt that the moderation was one sided. This isn't true, but I can see where those who where very sensitive to the issues might feel that way. Roger and Jon did the best they could under the circumstances. And, in fact, are to be commended on their actions. Thank you guys. [I give them kudos, too, especially to Jon for staying cool].

So do we need any change in policy? Not in writing. Every time we add to the written policy and make something else forbidden, we lose our latitude to decide many things that should be decided based on context. We also begin to come across as one THOSE sites.

Should we keep the OT forum. At this point I think yes. Yes, as long as members follow Tom Dunn's suggestion. NCWW has become more than just a woodworking website. It is a community in a very real sense. The ability to joke with each, with good taste and good sense, is one those things that help make the site what it is. The OT forum is part of that. I would hate to see it go away. I just think for now, we just watch it more closely. Perhaps we should make the moderation job on that forum a volunteer only with hazard pay:gar-Bi Jon should get the raise; Roger (aka Reddy Kilowatt) might get overcharged!

Finally, as i looked through what I could still see of the thread, I found myself classifying the out of bounds posts into 3 categories,

Insensitive wording

You can all guess which is which.:wsmile:

Not to minimize the anti-NC food tone of the thread, but I would like to mention the 3 items that made me furious.

Go Back where you came from ,types of comments. I think this speaks for itself. These deserve instant moderation.

Furthering the argument or piling on. - When someone is upset by a post, it doesn't give them the right to lash back in kind. They become just as guilty as the person who said the offending item. They have 2 options, either or both would be alright in book. Report the thread/posts to a moderator and/or send a PM to the person and let them know your feelings. While more than 1/2 the posts were trying to help, many others were in this category.

"I just tell like I see it" - This is a code phrase for, the **** with civility. I think we have the right to express differing points of view in a civil manner, but I agree this is a caustic approach.

Oh just to be clear, staff members, DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT to do any of the above and if they do they are more guilty than whoever started it. If we do those things, we lose our credibility and thus our authority. I fully agree. We need to maintain the highest standards and be positive participants. If I ever step over that line, I want to hear it from any of you.

OK, let the discussion begin:argue:

I've embedded my comments.
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