Photo Galleries back Soon

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D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Sounds good Steve.:icon_thum Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with.



New User
Almost but no cigar:BangHead: It appears that there is only one more set of bugs in the modfied important program, that I've been working on. But tonight is not the night to try to fix them

I've pretty much had it for tonight and it is not clear yet, if I will work on it tomorrow at all. I have things I must do tomorrow first and then my wife is returning from CA, so ...

Tuesday, I have 6 different MRI type studies being done of parts of my brain.

So, i6t could be as late as wednesday night before I finish,:-( :-( :-(

Sorry about this. I sure hope it was worth all the work.


New User
Steve, you take care of yourself and your family...first. We can hold out for the Photo Gallery until you have time to get it straightened out, after the more important things.



New User
Tuesday, I have 6 different MRI type studies being done of parts of my brain.

So, i6t could be as late as wednesday night before I finish,:-( :-( :-(

Sorry about this. I sure hope it was worth all the work.

:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: Ok, let's prioritize. Health comes first, then everything else.

Perhaps they will discover why you are so intelligent and resolve the health issues. :icon_thum

Please let me know if I can help :eusa_pray



New User
Pete Davio
Steve, I think the conversion is great! and the fact that all these apps will (eventually) work so smoothly in the new version of VB is great. Thanks again for all your hardwork!

get those pictures taken, and get better. That has to be first priority.

Is there any way I can help? It has been a long time since I have been involved in any coding like you are doing, but, being the PG admin, it seems like I should be doing something!


New User
Steve Take care of your self first. There is no rush. Rest tomorrow and work on when you are well. GET WELL SOON

Ray Martin

New User

While it will be great to see the photos again, I have to go along with the other posters on this thread. Take care of you first... and then the family... then take a break b/c you've been working too hard on this site for quite some time now... and when you are able, then think about the photos... you are the first priority.



New User
Steve, I think the conversion is great! and the fact that all these apps will (eventually) work so smoothly in the new version of VB is great. Thanks again for all your hardwork!

get those pictures taken, and get better. That has to be first priority.

Is there any way I can help? It has been a long time since I have been involved in any coding like you are doing, but, being the PG admin, it seems like I should be doing something!
Oh, you'll get your chance:lol: just another few days


New User
Pete Davio
oh, yeah, I had started the first thing a while ago. I will go snooping in the other place, too, and promise not to try to break anything!

cool, I got the password right on the first try!:eusa_danc

ok, maybe I didn't. admin mode in PP looks just like user mode? do I use the admin password we used for the testsite? or my username and PW to enter the admin mode? going to check it out right now.

Ok, closing the page, and logging back in, it allowed me to get to the PP admin page. cool
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Corporate Member
Yipeeee!!! Thanks Steve. I also like the neat FLOATING SIDE MENU. I didn't think it possible, but this site just keeps getting better and better!
Thanks to you and the rest of the staff for all your hard work.


New User

It's great to see the photo's are back again. Were I a less honest soul, I'd be willing to claim some of the work in my album, unfortunately some of the work depicted there is not mine.

Who's? I don't know but some very nice work that I can not take credit for.



Corporate Member
Yep, I'm in the same boat with Jim. Glad they're back, but one of the pictures in my gallery does not belong there. Odd, but I did have a wine rack built-in over the frig and now a different wine rack sits on the floor in a different house! The filename is the same. Wonder if that's where the mix-up is?
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