Pen Tip Slides Into Barrel while Writing

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New User
I'm hoping someone can tell me what I need to do.

I made a few slimline pens for friends and they tell me that, as they are putting pressure on the tip while writing, the tip gradually slides back into the barrel.

Any advice? Is it something I'm doing wrong?



New User
I inserted the refill into the transmission and thought I had turned it clockwise as far as it would go. But I will ask my friends to check and see if it is loose. Thank you very much.


Corporate Member
try another refill. I had this happen once and found that the ball point part of the refill was pushed into the ink part of the refill too far.:dontknow: this caused the tip to contact the nib before the twist mechanisim could fully engage. if all else fails take it apart and replace the transmission.



New User
Thanks for your input all. I saw him at services tonight and sure enough, the refill had come loose. He screwed it back in and will let me know if it happens again. I may try a teeny spot of threadlock on them in the future.


New User
That has happened to me. I had pressed the twist mechanism a little too far into the barrel and the the refill was bottoming before it locked in place. If it can be done wrong,I've probably done it.


Corporate Member
That has happened to me. I had pressed the twist mechanism a little too far into the barrel and the the refill was bottoming before it locked in place. If it can be done wrong,I've probably done it.

:gar-La; I've done that too but the one that caused all the problems for me was a misfit from the manufacturer. the refill itself had the ball point end crushed up into the ink reservoir. :dontknow: It took a bit of foul language to figure it out too! :rotflm: Finally after much frustration I put in another refill and voila it worked!:icon_chee if you press the transmision in too far the ball doesnt fully retract. thats an easy fix. just pop it out and re set it.:eusa_clap . for somting as simple as pens there sure are a lotta ways to screw em up.:embaresse

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Sharon Barrett & Paula LaBelle
That's happened to me when I first started making slimlines and PW has it right, you may have pushed the assembly in a bit to far stopping it from fully locking in place when twisted. If you get a pen disassembly tool you can fix it.
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