New old guy

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dick cunningham
I was asked to intro myself so here go's. I have worked with wood since back in about 1954. I was cutting some 1/4 sq. sticks to make one of those 6 stick puzzles on a table saw. Worked in a machine shop since 1959, so I liked to work with wood because it is easy to machine.
Moved to NC. in 1984, started to camp at Jorden Lake in 1990, Wife became Camp Host in 91 and I have been comuting ever since. She moved to Crosswind marina in 01 as night security We have a house trailer in the marina, She is into scrool sawing fret work and intarsha with her own shop in the front of the home.
My shop is a 18 x 20 metal car port in the back. It is fairly setup with BT3100 table saw, band saw set up to resaw, joiner, plainer, drill press router table, preformax 16-32 chop saw,lots of small tools, no air or heat. My comute of 92 miles each way for 16 years has made me really like my Prius, I am getting 55 miles per gallon, Can any body match that? I have to add I only comute thursday evening to the lake and go back to our old home in Stonevlle sunday evening, Then go to work in martinsville VA. 4 days, it is only 19 miles to work from home.
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Corporate Member
Welcome Dick! Sounds like you could probably teach me a few things! This is a great site with great folks always willing to share. Don't hesitate to jump in any time.

My commute is only 70 miles:lol: ,so my Camry's 33mpg is good enough for now. If gas gets much higher, I'll consider retiring!!!
Take care,


Corporate Member
welcome old new guy.:eusa_danc we are getting a lot of new members here. i just signed up a week or 2 ago myself. so far i like it!:icon_thum

fred p


New User
Hello Dick and welcome to a great site. Hope you post pictures of some of your (and your wife's) work. Always interesting to see others work for inspiration!


New User
Welcome Dick, thanks for the intro, and I must say that is an interesting story. I think my parents would envy you and your wife. They like to spend as much time at campground as they can. They have really got bit by the RV bug. It's great when they visit...they bring their own accomodations :eusa_danc :eusa_danc
Hope to see you around!!!!!



Welcome! I look forward to seeing some of you and your wife's work as well. I really admire intarsia - have tried it a few times but haven't gotten the hand of it. Your commute makes my 40 miles each way now seem like nothing at all! Enjoy the site.

Ray Martin

New User
Hi Dick,

Welcome to the NCWW site. I used to have a comute although it was nothing like yours... mine was only 75 miles each way. Now, when I'm on the road, it's 10 miles to the parking lot at the airport... otherwise it's a 6 second commute from the kitchen to the bonus room where I telecommute.



My commute is about 70 miles a day and my truck gets about 18 mpg I would have to push it 2/3 of the way to and from work to get 55mpg :lol: Welcome to the site looking forward to seeing some pics of your work. You should get LOYL to join as well.


Welcome Dick,

We're always pleased to see a new member with such interesting things to share -- you definitely need to get your wife to join and share her talents, too. Sounds like you've got a well-equipped shop space, but a little on the exposed side if it is in an open carport! Be sure to tap on the Help Desk on the Site Navigation Menu and request a photo gallery so you can share more -- 'cuz around here, "no pics, it didn't happen!" And as for commutes -- been there done that and I'm now enjoying retirement!


D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
Howdy Dick and welcome to NCWW. I am glad you could join us. I look forward to seeing some of the projects you and your wife have completed.


John Reeves

New User
John Reeves
Welcome Dick,

This is a great site because of the great people that have been supporting it. I am a novice woodworker but I have gotten a tremendous amount of support from the people behind the posts. They take the time to understand and to give advise.

I do suggest that you attend some of the face to face functions. That helps in getting to know faces. If you are truly unlucky, Steve Coles will be there (joke Steve). Steve is one of the overseers of the site and does a great job.

For us newbies, it a great resource. For the experienced woodworkers it a great way to share strengths and improve on weaknesses, resources and general information.
I drive by Crosswinds a few times a week commuting between Durham and Sanford so if I can ever be of any help, let me know.

BTW, I have gotten my Suburban up to about 20 mpg. When I started a business in Charlotte I drove down on Monday AM and back on Thursday evening. 155 miles each way for two years.

Welcome to North Carolina and Welcome to the site.


New User
Welcome Dick, glad you joined us! Apparently you're ahead of the curve in purchasing the Prius :-D

Looking forward to the fun and sharing :mrgreen:

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