This isn't really a PE request, but I'm hoping someone can help me. I have a shipment of lumber coming in that will need to be received at a location with a loading dock and the means to unload a large pallet, presumably a forklift. This was going to be delivered to my neighbor's granite shop, but unfortunately he just let me know they lost their lease and scrambling for a new location, so will probably not be able to help with this.
Specifically, this is a pallet of maple lumber 11'Lx45"Wx42"H, weighs around 3K lbs. The shipment will be arriving possibly late next week, but more likely the week after. I should be able to remove it from the site within a day. Pittsboro\Chapel Hill is best, but anywhere in the R\D\CH area is fine. If anyone can help me I would be eternally grateful (and likely to express my gratitude in the form of some nice maple lumber for the helpful individual )
Specifically, this is a pallet of maple lumber 11'Lx45"Wx42"H, weighs around 3K lbs. The shipment will be arriving possibly late next week, but more likely the week after. I should be able to remove it from the site within a day. Pittsboro\Chapel Hill is best, but anywhere in the R\D\CH area is fine. If anyone can help me I would be eternally grateful (and likely to express my gratitude in the form of some nice maple lumber for the helpful individual )