Looking for info on Earlex Sprayers

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New User
Hey All,

I am interested in buying an Earlex Spray system and I was wondering if any of you have either the HV3000 or the HV 5000 systems. If you do, I would like to know how you feel about them and what you have shot through them (ie. varnishes, polys, shellac, latex, enamels, etc.). If you would buy another or not, and any other personal feelings about them.

I am looking for a multi-use sprayer to do more than woodworking projects if possible and the Earlex systems fall into my price range, especially when they go on sale.

Thanks in advance,


New User
Thanks for posting the link Charles. I also did a write up on the Earlex HV6900 unit here: http://thewoodwhisperer.com/earlex-hv6900-spray-station-review/

One thing i recommend doing is reading all the comments on those posts as well. Its good to hear all the different opinions out there. For instance, on the HV6900 review, I didn't realize that Fuji has their MiniMite unit priced comparably. So if you read through the comments you'll see the full picture.

In a nutshell, I think the Earlex 5000 is a good bargain and gets your foot in the door of the HVLP world. The Earlex 6900, while certainly a capable machine, doesn't seem to offer as much of a "bargain" to the consumer.


New User

I read that you used a Binks gun and a spray pot years ago, so did I in a production environment but I haven't sprayed in years. Thanks for the reviews, and thank you Charles for posting the first one. I like the newer model earlex, but I may just purchase the HV 5000 and an additional Wagner sprayer for outside paint situations. Money will be the final dictator when the time comes.

Thank y'all so far,


New User
Yeah there's nothing quite like throwing a couple gallons of pre-cat lacquer into the pot and spraying. But then again, we had a spray booth and everything. Perfect spraying conditions. Boy I miss those days. Well.....I miss the equipment, lol. Not the work. :)


New User
Yeah there's nothing quite like throwing a couple gallons of pre-cat lacquer into the pot and spraying. But then again, we had a spray booth and everything. Perfect spraying conditions. Boy I miss those days. Well.....I miss the equipment, lol. Not the work. :)



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
I have the Earlex 5000, with and several different sized needles. It works great with water-based finishes such as polycrylic as well as oil-based finishes and shellac. Fill the cup and spray. Even with my limited experience and less-than-stellar technique, I can put down a nice smooth finish. Just learn how to move your arm in a steady fashion and find that magic sweet spot between "too dry, rough finish" and "too wet, runs".

I have not been able to spray paint with it. I tried using a high quality acrylic paint (Sherwin Williams Pro Classic) and thinning it with Flotrol/ water, but the only way I could get a smooth finish was via excessive thinning and really laying it down thick. That meant spraying horizontal surfaces. I know some people have been successful using the Earlex for paint, but it has eluded me so far. When you say "multi-use". do you mean you also want to use it for say painting walls or a fence? If so, you're better off getting a dedicated paint sprayer. Even if you can get past the orange peeling with the Earlex, the machine is not set up for large quantities of paint. It'd be like painting the deck with a glue brush.

Would I buy it again? Definitely. For the price, it's hard to beat. Plus, I firmly believe you should start with an entry-level system to learn something as complicated as spraying. If it meets your needs - great, and if you want something more, now you know what to look for. You're more than welcome to come borrow mine if you want to try it out for a couple of weeks.
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