I moderated myself!

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Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member
Woodworker2000 posted in one of the IRS Auction threads a long post that I found very negative. He basically called the thread a "dibs" list. It took everything I had not the post a nasty response. I posted a neutral response and kept it impersonal. Keye then responded in a heathly way. But boy was my blood boiling! Please look at it and let me know if I crossed a line and should have kept my mouth shut all together.



Doug (in Germany right now)


Administrator , Forum Moderator
I think you did much better than I would have. Woodworker 2000 has posted some really negative things at other times and has been the topic of several discussions on the moderators forum.


New User
Doug, you were fine. I don't want to make you mad at me, but frankly I sort of agree with him. Doing this sort of thing in public really scares me in many ways.

Opening us to civil legal action from the auction site, etc.
???? (bad karma)

Everyone please think about this, it really scares the crap out of me

Douglas Robinson

Doug Robinson
Corporate Member

I had wanted to do it by PM, but others ignored that suggestion. To my knowledge there is no problem legally to what we are doing with regard to the auction. It is an exercise of free speech and we have NOT agreed to bid any certain amount or to not bid at all.

The auction cite would have no cause of action here. They could not prove any damages.



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Your response was fine.

There are two kinds of people in the world. Those that look at something and figure out how it will help them, and those who look at something and assume it will hurt them. The signup list was to help people here coordinate, not bid on the same item when there were duplicates etc. Woodworker2000 saw this as a "dibs" list meant to exclude him.

There is nothing you can do about it. It's a matter of outlook, upbringing, genetics, having a good/ bad day etc.

Why am I telling you this? To help lower your blood pressure. Don't sweat the small stuff.


Staff member
Corporate Member
I looked at it as a non binding gentlemans agreement. No one was bound to it. It was done in the spirit of goodwill and friendship. Good job Doug.


New User
Jon Todd
Like Bas said some people just like to have something to whine about. Striker's comment is just really unnecessary. And Jeff seems to be egging him on maybe they should be edited or something I wasn't sure


Administrator , Forum Moderator
It has been a while since the last post, I say we let it ride as the members may see the thread is headed in a downward spiral, and leave it alone at this point or try to smooth it over. If not, we can moderate it.
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