How to post pictures - Updated, delux and fat free

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New User
Since there has been several revisions to the Photo Gallery software since this site has started, most of the How To's for pic posting are obsolete. I am going to try my attempt at explaining it...the updated version.

This tutorial is assuming that you have basic computer skills (you wouldn't be here if not :nah:) and that you have already uploaded you pictures to your Photo Gallery. This system also works similar if you use other photo hosting sites like Photobucket, etc.

Pictures cannot be posted on this site unless they are hosted by either NCWW or another photo hosting site. Attachments directly from your hard-drive are no long permitted.

To start open the site in two windows or tabs. That will allow you to toggle between your images in the Photo Gallery and the post that you are trying to make, and not lose either. I have a screen shot as an example. Both windows/tabs don't need to be open at the same time -


Once you have that going on the next step is to click on the picture you want to post (in one of the windows). That will enlarge the pic and if you scroll down below it you will find either a listing of URL links, or IMG codes with the URL already embedded.
Another screen shot to illustrate -


If your screen looks like this, with the BBCode Links. This is the simplest way to post a picture. Just copy the link provided (Best Size is best, unless you have a lot of pics to post). Then toggle back to the post you are making and paste the link directly into the post text box.

The links provided can be changed by clicking on "Switch Link Type" in the brown button menu above the links list.

If your preferences are set so you are provided with this list of links, Direct Links -


You still want to copy the Best Size link, but this time when you return to your post you will want to click on the Insert Image button (looks like a yellow square with a moon and mountains) in the tool bar above the reply text box. Once you've clicked on that it will open up another text box where you can paste the link into.

Another way and what I still use is to open the picture desired. Right click on it, and then select Properties. Copy the link provided in the properties listing, without the http:/, and then paste that information into the text box provided after you click on the Insert Image button.

Using the above methods other than my personal backwoods way will also allow you to insert Thumbnails (if your post is going to be picture intensive). Or a Large Picture, if you're just really dang proud of what you are showing. Keep in mind that the Best Size image can be clicked on to enlarge it to the Large I see no reason to use it unless you want to aggravate folks on dial-up :evil:

The end results of this process (using the Best Size link) should look like this -


Another option that is provided at the bottom of either listing of Code or Links is the Linked Thumbnail. This will allow you to insert a thumbnail that can be clicked on to open the picture full sized. This is a preferred method over regular thumbnails as it is easy for the viewer to see your pictures full sized, but avoid making a slow loading picture intensive post. For the Linked Thumbnail you just copy the link provided at the bottom and the toggle back to the post you're making and paste the link directly into the post. Similar to the way pictures are inserted using the BBCode Link method. And the results should look like this -

I hope that this helps. Because as we always say, without pictures it didn't happen. So don't just cry Wolf, and show us your pictures.
Respectfully submitted,

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New User
I have posted this here for critique and editing. I am getting tired of explaining this via PM to each individual member that needs help. Hopefully a new updated FAQ tutorial will allow a quick link to the information when the need arises.
Please edit or suggest changes that could be made to make this better or easier to understand. Once it is finalized I will move it to the FAQ forum.



Administrator , Forum Moderator
Dave, you been [strike]:eek:ccasion1[/strike] thinking again:rotflm:. I think it is very well explained and should take the guesswork out of it for most users. There will still be the ones that we need to help along the way, but that is just job security:thumbs_up


New User
Is it well explained for someone that already knows how to do it. Or will cover someone that is frustrated and doesn't seem to be able to figure it out?????
To me it's very simple, but many are having major issues with it.



Recovering tool addict
Corporate Member
Dave, this is great. Is it idiot proof? Of course not. But this should help most people get pictures into their posts. Can't get around the fact that you need some basic computer skills.

I used to have software that allows you to record the screen and record your comments, so you can give a "live" demo. That would be the only way to improve on this - although then you have to deal with people whose computer isn't set up to play's always something. Unfortunately, the license ran out.

The only criticism I have is that you should have used the photo of Roger doing his electrolysis as the example, not the truck :)


New User
Can't get around the fact that you need some basic computer skills.

The only criticism I have is that you should have used the photo of Roger doing his electrolysis as the example, not the truck :)

Hey I can post pictures :eusa_thin
What you don't like the found me my wife.



User not found

I've done the same thing in PM's at least 3 times this week and just didn't have time to update my old FAQ with nice images like yours.

I would add two things to your writeup. 1) add the terms BBCode Links to the first method and Direct Links to the second method as that is what they will see above the instructions when they open their picture. 2) Add a brief explanation of the Linked Thumbnail with its cut and paste method for inserting thumbnails that a user can click on for a larger picture.

I'm curious about the truck, though -- isn't that a Peach Paint job under all those stickers? :rotflm:


Administrator , Forum Moderator
Is it well explained for someone that already knows how to do it. Or will cover someone that is frustrated and doesn't seem to be able to figure it out?????
To me it's very simple, but many are having major issues with it.


As Bas said, it is not idiot proof but goes a long way in simple explanation of how to post pics. A limited knowledge user should be able to post if they can follow simple directions:roll::rolleyes::roll:. Good job, I say let it ride here for a day or so and take all of the suggestions into account, tweak your post and then put it out to the members. You done a good thing.


New User
. . . .
The only criticism I have is that you should have used the photo of Roger doing his electrolysis as the example, not the truck :)

Bas, Halloween will be over by the time we post this :mrgreen:

BTW, good job DaveO :icon_thum



New User
I have made the suggested alterations and moved my tutorial to the FAQs. Hopefully it will be helpful to some folks.

BTW, the truck's paint is more a flesh-tone color than peach. Probably one of the ugliest paint jobs I've ever I tried to hide it :cool:

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