How do I get rid of Japanese hornets

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Jerome B

New User
Ack !! I just found out that I have Japanese hornets living in the stud cavity of my shop:eek:.
In looking at the siding of the house I see that they are getting in and out of an open spot where the aluminum siding meets the window sill.

To make things a tad bit more complicated, this is all on the second floor.




New User
I doubt you have Japanese Hornets Vespa mandarinia as they don't live around these part. But the European Hornet V. crabro is often referred to as Japanese Hornet due to it's size and close similarity. Luckily the Euro Hornet isn't very aggressive and has a much less powerful sting than the Japanese Hornet. But they are big and quite intimidating.
If you can get to the hive easily I would wait until dark and drench it with a good quality Wasp/Hornet insecticide. You can find many flavors at your local BORG. I like Spectracide it's cheap and the spray has a great range.


Jerome B

New User
I grant you that they are intimidating.
I know where their favorite doorway is and I know that they are somewhere in the stud bay. Where in there is another story. Does it work if I just spray willy nilly into the hole?
Spectracide does seem to have a great range, 27' impresses me. Let's hope it impresses those over sized buggers.

Please note: I am not excited about the idea of climbing up on the porch roof to spray wasp and Hornet killer at bugs that look like they are big and bad enough to make me blow up like an over sized inflatable beach ball. But I want my shop back.


I doubt you have Japanese Hornets Vespa mandarinia as they don't live around these part. But the European Hornet V. crabro is often referred to as Japanese Hornet due to it's size and close similarity. Luckily the Euro Hornet isn't very aggressive and has a much less powerful sting than the Japanese Hornet. But they are big and quite intimidating.
If you can get to the hive easily I would wait until dark and drench it with a good quality Wasp/Hornet insecticide. You can find many flavors at your local BORG. I like Spectracide it's cheap and the spray has a great range.



New User
Just aim at where you see them coming and going. The spray has good residual action. Getting them in the evening will make sure they are docile and not flying around. Easy peasy :icon_thum



Administrator , Forum Moderator
My solution would equal Dave's solution. In the event that solution does not work my solution would be to :eusa_pray:eusa_pray. And if that did not work, RUN FAST!!


New User
What DaveO said. My neighbors had a big ol' nest of those monsters and he just waited until night fall and then unloaded two full cans of wasp/hornet spray on them. We never saw another (other than a pile of bodies the next day)


New User
Jeremy it sounds like you might have to be doing the same thing soon as the swelling goes down (again):eusa_doh:



New User
Jeremy it sounds like you might have to be doing the same thing soon as the swelling goes down (again):eusa_doh:


Yeah, dang yellow jackets (for those who don't follow Facebook, I got stung by a Yellow Jacket this evening on my hand ... ouch!). Think I'll be trying some spray on that nest soon!
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