Home improvement

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Corporate Member
Ok:eusa_thin this forum is for home improvement right. :?: So how do I get rid of my 24 year old son and his girlfriend? :roll: That wood improve mine home the most.:lol:



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Walkin' 'round in your undies & scratchin' where it itches might do it.


Sometimes it just takes some tough love! Give them 30 days before you start charging them room and board.


New User
i agree with mcrabbit.
once my son dropped out of college i told him the free ride was over. made him get a job, pay room and board, pay his own insurance. i know it is easier said than done.
my son got tired of paying us rent, and finally moved out. Part of the rent deal was he had to follow our rules. ( which also ment no sleep overs of girl friends).

just my two cents,


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I too go with gotcha6. If after a week and still no sign of moving skip the undies. 8-O :oops: 8-O :oops: 8-O :roll:

Steve W

New User
If all else fails (I'm with McRabbet on this one), change the locks while he's out and leave his stuff in the carport or under a tarp. Depends on how tough a nut you have to crack.

I was lucky, my 24-YO and his long-time GF came down after we did (after graduating), at our invitation. They stayed with us while finding jobs, then actively looked for and scored a nice apt in Durham. The rules were that it was to be a temporary arrangement (about 6 months) and I think it came out to about 8 for everything. Yep, they pay their own way now. I'm not so sure when my 21-YO finishes if we're gonna be that lucky again 8-O


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Mark Gordon
I am reading this thread and becoming very concerned. My son is graduating College (after 10 gloriously expensive years) and is getting married two days after graduation. He and his beloved (who my wife and I adore) are planning on moving back to the Charlotte area but have asked if they can live with us for the “SHORT TERM” until they can find jobs and an apartment.
I am now terrified and writing down all the advice from this thread including the living room skivvies trick.
I doubt I will sleep tonight. Thanks


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My dad lived with his mom for 3 years & his MIL for another 3 years. When I told him I wanted to get married his first words were, "You better find you a place to stay 'cause you ain't stayin' with me!" He spoke from experience on that 'un.


New User
Been there, done that. Details are different. They were given a very specific time frame and then I threw them out.
I am reading this thread and becoming very concerned. My son is graduating College (after 10 gloriously expensive years) and is getting married two days after graduation. He and his beloved (who my wife and I adore) are planning on moving back to the Charlotte area but have asked if they can live with us for the “SHORT TERM” until they can find jobs and an apartment.
I am now terrified and writing down all the advice from this thread including the living room skivvies trick.
I doubt I will sleep tonight. Thanks


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According to my 2 children, ages 26 & 23, it is amazing how much I learned while they were in college! When they left I was an idiot. Now that they both have their own homes, I'm a veritable genius! Familiarity does indeed breed contempt. Get 'em out so they can learn to live adjust to each other (or themselves) without a lot of onlookers. They gotta find their own way & they are more pleasant to be around when they do.


Senior User
Our youngest son and wife moved back home after about one year of marriage. She had some serious medical problems, and the only way for them to make it was live with us. They stayed five years. He worked two jobs to pay off medical bills. They also bought a couple acres of land and a mobile home. Our younger daughter and two boys lived in my rental for 15 years with a Papa-Nana subsidized rent. She now owns two houses. Oldest daughter didn't come back, but requires a LOT of help. She also owns her home-free and clear. I'm thankful that I and LOML have been blessed enough to be able to help all of them. When my first and I split, someone asked if I was going to move back to my parents. I said "Not as long as the Salvation Army has a shelter." Five years later, my second and I built our first house. We have been in it 28 of our almost thirty years. If your son and his girlfriend are inseparable, you only have to get rid of ONE of them.
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