Hey Phillip Fuentes.....

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Big Mike

New User
I was admiring your beautiful goblets in your album and I thought that you should enter one in the AAW Goblet woodturning contest that is going on right now. Enter soon as I think it ends this month. Here is the web address for info:


If you have already done this, ignore this post....:eusa_doh:


New User
Big Mike, if you are referring to these, then I would wholeheartly agree also. That's some beautiful work, and if it was done 3+ years ago, I'm sure he's got even better. Are you entering any of your work, you're a fine turner too.



Big Mike

New User
Dave, thank you but no I am not entering. I have never turned a goblet and any effort I could put forth would pale in comparison to what Phillip has in his album. By the way, Phillip, I guess this is almost too late as the contest entry period ends Sunday the 16th. Nothing like being a day late and a dollar short, huh? I just stumbled upon your goblets today.


New User
Phillip Fuentes
mike, thanks for the heads up. i ashamed to say i'm not even a member of the aaw, though i try to keep up with most of what they do (symposiums, etc.). so, i joined up tonight and i'll be ready for the next one. thanks for the kind words, you should try a goblet, they're addictive. by the way, where do find the big cedar for those bowls, i love that cedar coloring. is it hard to turn, i know it can be soft and prone to tearout.

daveo, thanks for your kind words also. i'm still without my own shop space though my brother and i occasionally drag the minilathe out on the small porch of our apt. how are your turning endeavors going?


Big Mike

New User
Phillip, I have a friend that sends me big chunks of cedar in return for a box or a bowl. Lovely trading deal don't you think?:cool: Cedar is easy to turn as long as you use sharp tools. All of these pieces were turned green, soaked in alcohol and allowed to dry for a while, a month or so. It turns easily then but is prone to heat checking if you aren't careful while sanding. DAMHIKT!!!!:roll: Just don't depend on sanding for shaping. Better to use scrapers first. Cedar responds well to sharp scrapers. I usually start sanding at 150 or so.

By the way, you don't have to be a member of AAW to enter the AAW forums contests. I hope you saw some of the entries. Some were quite good I thought but I think you could hang with them.:icon_thum
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New User
Phillip Fuentes
mike, i'm still looking at some of them, the carved cherry ball in a cage goblet is great. i read the rules a little more closely, i may just drag the lathe out in the morning and see what happens. now if i could just find a piece of goblet sized wood around here somewhere...


Big Mike

New User
Hey, go for it I say. What have you got to lose? Have some fun, take a chance and enjoy. Be sure to post here what you do regardless of the outcome on AAW.


New User
My turning endeavors are going slowly, to say the least. I just got my new (used) bowl gouge and haven't even tried it out yet. I've just had to much flat work on my "Honey-do-list" to get a chance. But I am dying to get back on the lathe. I've got a big limb off an old Dogwood, from my in-laws in Wilmington, that's begging to become a beating implement. Some sort of a persuasion tool, I think. I think you should enter some of your work if you can meet the deadline. We need some award winners in our members list. Dave:)

Big Mike

New User
Phillip, a very elegant and worthy entry. I love the slender bowl and the beautiful slim stem. Very nice. I hope you do well. I love seeing good work!:icon_thum


New User
Phillip, The thing that both the loml and myself notice first on your goblets, is how delicate (thin) the stems are. They are very beautiful and I am very jealous.


New User
Phillip Fuentes
mike, steve, thank you both. the thin stems were kind of a challenge to myself at first, they never got any easier i'm afraid. the ebony screamed out for thin, the beads and vase shape help to add length without increasing the difficulty to much. thanks for looking.



New User
Beautiful, I think that you have the the most elegant goblet out of the lot. Wouldn't hold much wine, but that's not the point. The thinness shows great talent and skill, and Ebony isn't the easiest wood to work with. I won't be surprised if you win. Big Mike was right. Bring one home for old NC. Dave:)


New User
Phillip Fuentes
daveo, suspiciously, the small bowl holds about 1.5 oz of whatever liquid is at hand...though i can't say much for the flavoring qualities of ebony.



New User

Wow. That's fantastic! Good luck in the contest.

My turnings are usually... what's the word? segmented...? no that's not it... fragmented! yeah that's it! :lol:
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