Grizzley Bandsaw Tension problem

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New User
This post started in another thread and I didn't want to steal that thread so I am starting it separately.

I recently purchase a used Grizzly G055 14" band saw with a 6" riser block. I have had a fairly difficult time with it. I picked up a carter spring at the woodcraft sale and tried to install it. The first thing I realized was that I could not remove the tension screw. It would only turn a very small distance before becoming impossible to turn. Nothing I did would allow it to turn. I was able to manually turn the spacer and the top whatamcallit... (the big screw thing that rides on the quick release bar to add tension) to release the tension. But I could not move the screw. I finally had to mostly dismantle the upper half of the saw to get it out so I could cut it off to replace it. What a pain in the rear. :-? The nut was cross threaded on the tension screw.:eusa_thin

I ordered another screw and nut from Grizzly and promptly (well after an hour an a half trying to figure out how to get the tension even close... the manual is useless on this point) had the same problem (with the original spring). 8-O

Got another screw and nut and then realized that I might have reversed the quick release mounting bar, causing the lower spacer to catch and tighten up :slap:. Fixed that (it is a tight fit even now) :eusa_thin and I managed to get the right tension by rotating the top whatamcallit... )the big screw thing that rides on the quick release bar to add tension) and the spacer until I had achieved the right tension. Then I tried to use tension knob to adjust the tension. Well it appears that the nut is once again cross threaded. :BangHead:

So to date I have had to cut off two cross threaded nuts and I very likely have a third stuck on the band saw. I still don’t have the carter spring installed either. I am probably going to give up and buy the Itura speed adjust and screw an nut. Probably worth the extra money to fix this rather frustrating issue.

Does anyone have any suggestions?



New User
Mark does your look like this?


I had a similar problem with mine. The quick release lever was limiting the travel of the wheel carriage due to a spacer that was there. Tom Ferone helped me to figure it out and now it works like it should.


New User
I think that Tom and I found that the aluminum wheel carriage could only travel as far as the spacer that was beneath the quick release handle. While the spring was compressing (making me think that I needed a new spring) it was applying no more force to push the upper wheel up tensioning the blade. Once we removed that spacer I got a lot more travel on the wheel carriage, and was able to tension the blade properly.
Tom really was the master mind behind this fix, and might be able to provide better details as to what he did...I just watched the Master at work.


Hey I resemble that remark. I don't remember excatly what I did but we did get it working. I could come over your way sometime and see if I get lucky again.


New User
That would be wonderful... however I have to order yet another tension screw and nut, or give up and order the speed tensioner.

I do have it working, but tensioning was done by screwing the spacer down, releasing tension, which allowed the top thing to be screwed downwards, engage the tensioner, lower the spacer (repeat until proper tension). But no blade changes or larger adjustments without a hack saw or sawas all.

I need to figure out which one I am going to buy then if you have some time I would greatly apreciate the help. I need new bearing as well.... sigh.


Travis Porter

Corporate Member
If you are still coming Saturday, why don't you bring the parts over and I can tap them for you? I have a tap and die set with metric.


New User
Similar problem happened to me too :crybaby2:
PM 14 bandsaw tension nut got cross threaded within a few days after purchase. Guess who came to fix it??? Whiz kid named Tom Ferone :lol:
Sorry about you problem Mark . . . but thanks Tom :eusa_clap
He actually had to cut the tension screw/bolt in order to remove nut :-(

Good luck,


New User
Yes I am planning to come by tomorrow. I tried to crack off the last nut with no luck. Do you have an idea how to get the nut off?



Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Without seeing it no, but you could take the entire upper arm off and bring it over. Between what I have and a friend that lives nearby, I think we could make it work.


New User
I have the exact same problem and spent an hour on the phone with Grizzly to no resolve. I ended up grabbing the turning rod with some vice grips and tensioned to the correct level (or at least what I think is right).


New User
I will bring the whole thing. I can remove the spring mechanism / housing separately. This time I was not able to reduce the tension enought to get the nut free of the casing. Anyway, see you tomorrow.

Thanks for mentioning it, I felt pretty stupid doing it twice :BangHead:. I got them to send me a replacement for free the second time. I doubt that they will this time round, but its only $8 for both plus shipping. Rather irritating that it appers to be a manufacturing issue :roll:.

Thanks again,



New User
I thought I would offer an update.

While attempting to remove the bolt from the screw the housing fractured, essentially making it useless. Just great. So I called Grizzly and tried to get them to explain what on earth is going on. They suggested that the upper wheel mount might be cracked which would put excessive pressure on the tension nut. Doesn't look that way to me. They would only replace the nut and tension screw:roll:. So I went ahead and reaplced the entire housing, screw, nut, wheel mount, spacers etc. Everything only cost ~$28.00.
So here I go again. I called Itura to purchase their significantly more robust Spinner 3 tension screw and nut and was told it won't work on a saw that has an OEM quick tension release. Just great!:BangHead: That was the shining hope at this point. The parts should be here by friday. I think I might get Grizzly tech support on the phone to walk me through it.

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