Glad to meet all of you

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Guy in Paradise

New User
Guy Belleman
Hello all,

I am a math and science teacher for D.O.D. schools at W.T. Sampson Unit School on Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Also a retired USMC pilot since 1993.

Six years ago, working at the American Chemical Society,I was writing high school chemistry textbooks, coordinating teacher workshops and traveling all over the country. My wife, who also was working long weeks, and I decided to change our life styles to spend more time with our children and hobbies. So I took this teaching job and we have loved it since.

So, in the last five years I have been able to get more into woodworking. Lately, I have been doing a lot of turning, making a few bowls and pepper mills, but really putting a lot of effort into pen making.

One story. Two years ago, I decided to make a shoe rack, actually two shoe racks. One out of pressure treated wood to set outside for our active family, and one inside for the better shoes. Wood is not easy to get here, but I had been able to round some thicker pallets of beech and oak. I carefully took them apart, took out all nails, planed, and cut enough for my design. I had looked at some commercial shoe racks to glean some ideas and noticed that on the top notch ones, the shelves were slanted/tilted. So I asked the school shop teacher what he thought and he recommended a 15 degree angle. Well, everything went together well. The painstaking finish was wiped on in 5 coats over a sanding sealer, and then two coats of wax buffed in. What a beautiful project. When my wife set where she wanted it and placed some shoes on it, they slid right off. When I refused to decrease the beauty of it by roughing the surface, she turned it around so that the wall behind would stop the shoes from sliding off, and it still sits there today, with a lot of shoes on it.

I have uploaded a photo. I will go back and try to figure out this URL address to show the shoe rack.

Good to be aboard, Guy Belleman


New User
Welcome. I am still on active duty and understand what it is like to have to pull up roots all the time. I am glad you have found an opportunity to settle in a little bit. How long will you stay in Gitmo?

Guy in Paradise

New User
Guy Belleman
Glad to meet all of you edit 2

I wanted to add that I spend almost the 3 months of summer vacation at our house in Troutdale, VA, enjoying the deer and woods. And gathering pieces of wood to carry or mail back.

Here is the picture of the shoe rack. Guy


  • shoe rack.doc
    472.5 KB · Views: 177


New User
If you can do that with pallet wood no telling what you might could do with some good stuff. Also, it's good to meet someone that knows where Mt. Rogers is. We all picnic'd up there on Memorial day week-end. I grew up just on the other side of that mountain in Ashe Co., NC. Been through Troutdale lots of times. Winter weather's nicer down in Gitmo.

Guy in Paradise

New User
Guy Belleman
Yes it is warmer here in GTMO

The summers are a good time to be up in Virginia, but during the winter, I kind of enjoy looking at the weather reports of snow and in the 30's in Virginia, while I am still wearing shorts and a T-shirt here.

4 Yanks, we will stay at least one more year, and then maybe request a transfer. I like it here and getting away during the summer is an advantage, but my wife and kids are starting to ask what it might be like elsewhere. Transfers for teachers are getting more difficult with the school closings in Germany.



Corporate Member
Re: Yes it is warmer here in GTMO

Welcome to NCWW. There is deffinantly a wealth of knowledge here.


New User
Welcome Guy, nice rack (shoe rack that is). That's some pretty fine looking pallet wood you found. I think that your slippage problem would have been solved with a little lip at the front of the shelf.
I would really like to see your pens, I've been bitten by the pen turning bug for 6-7 months, and have been doing my best to infect others with the sickness :lol: :lol:
I look forward to your input in the forums and your participation on the site.
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