Geodesic Crawl

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Corporate Member
It was a great day. Thanks to everyone, the crawlers as well as the hosts. It was great being able to put names with faces. This was my second shop crawl and I'm looking forward to the next one. :icon_thum


New User
Awesome day. I want to thank everyone for attending, and all the hosts for having us, Susan really enjoyed meeting everyone. Lunch was a success, there were no cheese cake squares left. (Scott got the last one)

Thanks to Brad for the awesome plaques, and the little tags he made for all the shop hosts. Mine will find a special place to hang in my shop.

Thanks to Jim for his awesome help in organizing this, without him I couldn't have done it.

BTW I got the shop messing again cutting apple bowl blanks and roughing a couple out. Chips everywhere.


New User
Scott Smith
I too had a great time visiting all of the shops and seeing the different approaches to woodworking. Many thanks to all for opening their shops, and to the participants for the thoughts and ideas offered, as well as the camaraderie.


bobby g

Corporate Member
I had a great time visiting shops all day and then hosting the final stop. The NC Woodworker members, so diverse in background and woodworking interests, are a great bunch to hang around with. Thanks for all of your generous compliments and interesting questions, comments and suggestions. It was a real treat to be able to share my shop and some of my projects with you.

Thanks again to Rob and Froglips for putting the event together.



New User

I'll see you at Mike's on Saturday and we can set up a future visit to my shop.. but only if you agree to bring some of those interesting sounding (no pun intended) musical instruments that you make.


So you can make it a double whammy, Andy. Two for the trip of one since Bobby and I live so close -- and two at the completely opposite ends of the spectrum! You should enjoy that. Rich
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