Fan Back Windsor Finished

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Larry Rose

New User
Larry Rose
I got around to finishing the fan back windsor chair this week end. The finish is 2 coats of barn red milk paint, 3 coats of black milk paint, rubbed with 0000 steel wool and 200 grit sand paper, and a coat of Minwax Antique Oil. I included pics of the milk paint stages. That stuff is miserable looking until it rubbed out with steel wool. For any one who uses it for the first time don't get discouraged with the initial looks.


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New User
The chair looks great Larry, I really like the black finish because it reminds me of a windsor back rocking chair that we had in the family when I was a kid.


Alan in Little Washington

Alan Schaffter
Corporate Member
Very nice job!!! :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap

I couldn't tell from your pics, but did you rub through the black to expose some of the red milk paint for an antique look???

Larry Rose

New User
Larry Rose
Alan, Yes I did rub thru to let some of the red show. This is another pic that shows it better. With milk paint it's a very subtle effect.


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New User
Another outstanding piece, you're quite the artist :eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap



New User
that's a really nice looking chair, larry. i was browsing your photo gallery and noticed a combback windsor in the foreground of one of them. where did you learn to make windsor chairs? what type of plan did you use? i know everyone works at their own pace, and no matter if it's a rabbit or turtle's pace there's a lot of work in a chair. but i'm just curious about the kind of time you put into the chair?


New User
Very nice Larry. I love milk paint. You are right about new users becoming discouraged. The first time I used it I thought I had ruined the piece. If the chair sees lots of use the contrast between the red and black paint will become more evident.

Larry Rose

New User
Larry Rose
that's a really nice looking chair, larry. i was browsing your photo gallery and noticed a combback windsor in the foreground of one of them. where did you learn to make windsor chairs? what type of plan did you use? i know everyone works at their own pace, and no matter if it's a rabbit or turtle's pace there's a lot of work in a chair. but i'm just curious about the kind of time you put into the chair?
Kurt, I've got a couple of books that I use. I can't remember the titles (I've got CRS) but one is by Drew Langsner. I sort of use them for rough measurements and ideas. As for the time spent, I've never kept up with it but I'd quess maybe 25-30 hrs. I work on a project untill I get tired of it and work on something else or sit on the porch with a cold one.
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