DW788 score!

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Master Scrap Maker
I'm not sure if this is gloat-worthy...but it's a lot less than the new price :)

Ever since trying my hand at double-bevel marquetry during the David Marks inlay course a few months back, I've been looking for one of these. My phone barked at me while I was in the workshop this afternoon - a search alert from Google for the DW788 on Raleigh CL! I called and went right over. I ran it and it purred like a kitten. There is some surface rust on the table that looks like it should clean up easily. Other than that, it looks almost unused. It has the stand and light, but no other extras. I got him down to $350. It _is_ a Type 1.

Now I just need to get some advice on blades and maybe a pedal controller :>

Even though we all know what one looks like...I also know you'll be screaming for a picture, so here it is:



New User
Nice Score Chris- you are going to love this machine:icon_thum If you need blades I would recommend getting the Flying Ductchman from Mike www.mikesworkshop.com - I like the Double Reverse blades and I use alot of the spirals for the type of scrolling that I do - I also like the Polar blades


Board of Directors, Vice President
Nice! I have a wannabe, but no matter how close I can convince myself it is, I still want one...


New User
Chris, I have that saw and in my book you got a good saw at a great price. I echo PChristy on Mikes Workshop for blades. The website will help guide you thru your wants and needs.

I have a food pedal and never use it. Mostly because I'm standing when I scroll or sitting on a bar stool and my feet don't extend to the floor. That will be a personal preference thing I think.

Congratulations and enjoy!



New User
Another nice score on a great machine !! :banana: I have a foot pedal too but do not use it. I find that having the on/off switch right at the top and easily accessible negates the need for one . It is also only an on/off pedal and does not control machine speed . Tape a piece of surgical glove over the top switch and you will never have to worry about dust getting in it :icon_thum

You ROCK !!! :eusa_clap


New User
Bruce Swanson
I think you'll love the DW788 machine as much as I love mine. I do use a foot switch 99% of the time. I have an adjustable height stool I sit on while sawing and it works well for me. I also recommend the Flying Dutchman blades from Mike's Workshop. They seem to me to cut much truer than Olson blades and are more durable. You can Google his website. His service is the best that can be had. Happy sawing!!:tool::saw::saw:


Board of Directors, Vice President
Another nice score on a great machine !! :banana: I have a foot pedal too but do not use it. I find that having the on/off switch right at the top and easily accessible negates the need for one . It is also only an on/off pedal and does not control machine speed . Tape a piece of surgical glove over the top switch and you will never have to worry about dust getting in it :icon_thum

You ROCK !!! :eusa_clap

I gave some congrats earlier, but thought I would mention I am with Robert as far as not using a foot control, even though my saw is not a DeWallet (for most people, but not for you; you got a deal) and the switch is not quite as convenient. I usually stand to saw and move around some.


Master Scrap Maker
Well, the verdict on FD blades seems unanimous, so I ordered a small variety to see what works for me. I included a few new heavy duty blades for the kids to work with.

I'm looking for a pin vice and micro-drills, too. I was surprised I couldn't find anything suitable at Woodcraft...maybe I was using the wrong search terms? I found a General pin vice on Amazon that looked suitable, but the drills had poor reviews. Any recommendations?


New User
Not sure what a pin vice does or what it is for but if you are looking a way to drill entry holes for scrolling then I suggest a rotary tool ( dremel etc ) and a clear plunge router base attachment
you can also get a drill chuck for the dremel which will hold tiny bits ....the bits can be purchased with the blades from Mike
You have to make this a dedicated tool since it is a PITA to remove from the router base and change back to the standard collet for other accessories
I've used this set up for years and I am quite happy with it :icon_thum


Board of Directors, Vice President
I am not sure mine was called a pin vise on the shelf at the hobby store (I think it was AC Moore, but it could have been Michaels) or just a hobby mini drill set, but it is small enough and round enough to use in my DP if I have a whole bunch to do. I use Dremel bits in it in addition to what it came with.


Master Scrap Maker
Not sure what a pin vice does or what it is for but if you are looking a way to drill entry holes for scrolling then I suggest a rotary tool ( dremel etc ) and a clear plunge router base attachment
you can also get a drill chuck for the dremel which will hold tiny bits ....the bits can be purchased with the blades from Mike
You have to make this a dedicated tool since it is a PITA to remove from the router base and change back to the standard collet for other accessories
I've used this set up for years and I am quite happy with it :icon_thum

Yes, I need to drill tiny entry holes. I'll generally be working with pretty thin stock. At the class, we drilled them by hand with a pin vice and micro-drills - it was quick and painless, even in Padauk. So a tool of the non-corded variety would be optimal :>


Master Scrap Maker
Well, I was correct that all the rust on the table was limited to a little surface corrosion. I slapped a 220 pad on the ROS and went to it this afternoon. In less than a few minutes it was polished and waxed - it's smooth as...well, smooth as I need it anyway :>

It still amazes me, though, that cast iron can be stained. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the concept of it being porous.
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