Durham Chapter of NC Woodwokers - Lunch Invite!

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New User
Yegads!!!! What have I started?????

:bcry::crybaby2:The Tarheels lost.

Oh well .......... they had a great run this year and I'm proud of them. Guess I'll have to pull for Duke ....... poor State is getting whupped by Texas (super YUCK! Can't stand their coach .... he's such a TWEEB!!!!!)

ok .... GO DUKE!


Corporate Member
You got it Pete!!!

Grew up watching the Habs, Leafs, Black Hawks, Rangers, Red Wings and Bruins go at it. That was all there was back then, as I recall!

I agree on the ice. Learned how to play "with the stick" when the ponds and rivers froze over up in Ontario about November, and could skate 'till early March!!! Them were the days!!!!

You know what!? I don't really miss the snow and ice though!


Vanilla Gorilla

New User
Marco Principio
Man am I sorry I missed it! I haven't had computer access for the last week or so because my computer died, so I wasn't able to tell you guys I was gonna have to miss it. My mom had knee surgery and was a lot less mobile than she thought she was gonna be, and between her and my dad who is disabled and has a broken wrist to boot, I decided I should take a few days off work and go help them out! It sucks that I had to miss lunch with you guys, I was really looking forward to it! Hope you guys ate a little extra for me


New User
All right that is a good excuse, but don't let it happen again :eusa_naug Hope the family is doing better now :eusa_pray

Vanilla Gorilla

New User
Marco Principio
yeah, they're hanging in there. My mom had the same surgery you had/are about to have (can't remember when that's happening), but she's cinsiderably older than you but still thinks she's wonder woman. Admittedly, she can still beat me up, but we won't talk about that :lol:


New User
Mine is tomorrow, and I hope that I am not laid up too bad, I couldn't stand being home and not being able to do anything. Glad to hear they're all doing better.


Travis Porter

Corporate Member
Good luck with it Dave. Don't rush the recovery and let yourself heal as you should. You should have a lot of time to keep up with the posts since you have been slacking NOT.


JimThomasson said:
Yegads!!!! What have I started?????

:bcry::crybaby2:The Tarheels lost.

Oh well .......... they had a great run this year and I'm proud of them. Guess I'll have to pull for Duke ....... poor State is getting whupped by Texas (super YUCK! Can't stand their coach .... he's such a TWEEB!!!!!)

ok .... GO DUKE!
You see? I warned you and now you've finally come to your senses -- it is a shame that UNC lost but it looks like there will be two ACC teams in the Sweet Sixteen if BC can win their game (I haven't had a chance to check any of todays scores becasue I've been helping Steve D pour new babbit bearings in the USS Crescent). And yes,
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