DQ not accepted at Klingspor :(

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New User
I finally had an opportunity to use my NCWW discount at Klingspor, but I'm apparently not on the list submitted by NCWW. I've been carrying around the DQ cards for a little over a year, but I guess to no avail. :/

TOL Woodworks

New User
I am also Discount Qualified and every time i go to purchase something from Klingspor they tell me i'm not on the list. Seems like they haven't been given an updated list.
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Board of Directors, Vice President
I haven't had trouble, but it surprises me that they didn't over ride and give it to you anyway.
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New User
I finally had an opportunity to use my NCWW discount at Klingspor, but I'm apparently not on the list submitted by NCWW. I've been carrying around the DQ cards for a little over a year, but I guess to no avail. :/


I had that problem last fall. Just PM Coleman and he should be able to fix you up.

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New User
I haven't had trouble, but it surprises me that they didn't over ride and give it to you anyway.
Kinda surprised me, too. Oh well. It DID bring the point home about how expensive gas is, though. I was hoping to defray at least some of the cost of the long haul up there. How is it possible that a single trip within the same county can cost $10 in gas!?!?
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New User
Every time I buy at klingspor, they say I'm not on the list, but I end up getting the discount. It's my main motivation for driving the extra 5 minutes past Woodcraft. I guess I should PM coleman to end the "you're not on the list" routine.
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New User
Jim Campbell
Mike, sorry for the hiccup. I can't find you listed in the files we send to Klingspor.

Its a bug on our side, one we'll dig into.

David, I see you listed in the Feb 25th file we sent.

Also, something we'll look into.

Sorry for the confusions. Alas, the only perfect system is the one my dog uses to get bonus snacks :)

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Corporate Member
Are members here automatically on the list or do we have to do something else?
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For anyone who is curious about how one qualifies for DQ (Discount Qualified) status, just read this Post.
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Board of Directors, Vice President
Well, to be fair to the other guys (WC), twice now I have gone and asked about something I saw on special in an email, found out I missed the sale and been offered the sale price anyway. Both have knowledgeable and friendly sales people. I would hate to lose either one.
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Corporate Member
Couldn't find " Edit North Carolina Woodworker Info" menu item
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I finally had an opportunity to use my NCWW discount at Klingspor, but I'm apparently not on the list submitted by NCWW. I've been carrying around the DQ cards for a little over a year, but I guess to no avail. :/

Sushinutnc and all NCWWR's,

First of all, thanks for visiting our store and giving us the opportunity to serve you with your woodworking supplies needs! We really appreciate your business and our hopes is that you leave the store feeling good about shopping with us.

The discount program for club members is supposed to be a way to help your non-profit club grow by giving incentives for folks to join your club - thru discounts, raffle donations, event support, and so on and has been a part of Klingspor's Woodworking Shop for over 15 years. So when I hear that we have club members leave the store feeling slighted in anyway due to not getting the discount it disappoints me. Our folks in the stores have no way of knowing who are members and who are not members unless we have the names in the system. This is the best way - usually - of keeping up with the DQ'rs.

I am not sure what has happened and why sometimes it works and other times it doesn't. However, if you ever have issues it is due to a few things! One: your name never made it to our system. Two: we have you in the system twice - one DQ, one not. Three: timing of the names being sent to us and not being loaded in system. Four: Complete and utter - I HAVE NO IDEA FILE :icon_scra

Always email me, PM me, or call me at 1-800-228-0000 x. 218 if you have a problem and we will get you taken care of. That I can promise!

Thank you!
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Corporate Member
WE really appreciate your support Coleman! Good seeing you in Charlotte yesterday. We miss you guys!
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TOL Woodworks

New User
Even though i've had difficulties with the DQ stuff, i have never felt slighted by yall in anyway. You have excellent customer service and are doing a great service to the woodworking community by offering such a deal. Thanks and keep up the good work,
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New User
I like their shop
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New User
Hi, Coleman. I somehow missed your response to my thread. Appreciate you taking the time to respond.
Our folks in the stores have no way of knowing who are members and who are not members unless we have the names in the system. This is the best way - usually - of keeping up with the DQ'rs.
This is in no way a problem with your store. The clerk indicated what the problem was: NCWW just hadn't submitted my name. Oh well. I was under the impression my laminated NCWW DQ card was sufficient. So... ya live and ya learn. No biggy. Mistakes happen. And hopefully my name's been submitted by now, so the next time I spend $10 in gas just to drive to the other side of Raleigh, I can get it at least some of it back through the discount. I'll just call the store before leaving the house. :icon_thum

Always email me, PM me, or call me at 1-800-228-0000 x. 218 if you have a problem and we will get you taken care of. That I can promise!

Thank you!
Thanks, Coleman. I'll write that on the back of my DQ card. ;)
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Corporate Member
I had the same issue at the store last weekend, before the tornado came. I wasn't listed in the system either. I had my little smart phone with me and finally found the electronic card. I showed it to the cashier and he was fine with it and honored the discount. He mentioned that the NCWW may need to send an updated list.
Like others, it's often more convenient to stop at WC coming from the S side of town.

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Corporate Member
I had the same issue at the store last weekend, before the tornado came. I wasn't listed in the system either. I had my little smart phone with me and finally found the electronic card. I showed it to the cashier and he was fine with it and honored the discount. He mentioned that the NCWW may need to send an updated list.
Like others, it's often more convenient to stop at WC coming from the S side of town.

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Card? I just became DQ qualified. Am I supposed to have some kind of card, electronic or otherwise?
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Staff member
Corporate Member
Card? I just became DQ qualified. Am I supposed to have some kind of card, electronic or otherwise?
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No card is needed. When you are DQ qualified NCWW sends your name to Klingspor and they put you in their DQ data base. That way you can shop in the store, on-line or via telephone and receive the same discounts.
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