Definition of scrap

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New User
With all the "scrap wood" projects going around I think we need to define "scrap" My entry would be - The offcut from a piece of wood of which the other part of said wood was used at one time in a "real" project. The "scrap" does not necessarily have to be the smaller of the pieces. Therefore this would exclude any old small pieces of wood that have been "aquired" and it doesn't include other peoples "scrap" (as defined above)


New User
Getting someone's scrap, makes it you scrap. Other than that I agree with you definition. Dave:)


New User
Ah, well maybe after you have made something from somebody elses "scrap" then the off cuts become your scrap and elegible for "scrap' status:lol:


New User
Maybe I am just a "PACK" rat, but I don't have any scrap unless it is sawdust and I tend to use some of it from time to time mixed with glue. I find uses for virtually everything I cut off. It may be spline material, paint stirers, glue blocks, test cuts, or it just goes into a box for the day when I need that special little piece. :?: So, scrap:?: I don't believe there is such a thing.


New User
scrap (1) Pronunciation Key (skrap)
A small piece or bit; a fragment.
scraps Leftover bits of food.
Discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing.
scraps Crisp pieces of rendered animal fat; cracklings.

tr.v. scrapped, scrap·ping, scraps
To break down into parts for disposal or salvage.
To discard as worthless or sell to be reused as parts; junk.

[Middle English, from Old Norse skrap, trifles, pieces. See sker-1 in Indo-European Roots.]

scrap (2) Pronunciation Key (skrap)
intr.v. scrapped, scrap·ping, scraps
To fight, often with the fists.

A fight or a scuffle.

[Perhaps variant of scrape.]

Hope this helps.


New User
insomniac said:
scrap (1) Pronunciation Key (skrap)
A small piece or bit; a fragment.
scraps Leftover bits of food.
Discarded waste material, especially metal suitable for reprocessing.
scraps Crisp pieces of rendered animal fat; cracklings.

So what can DaveO make from cracklings....:lol:

D L Ames

New User
D L Ames
I think this photo from Insom shows when we are getting pretty close to a true definition of scrap. However, even this form of scrap has a good use sometimes as Windknot points out above.




New User
I'm with Windknot on this one. The smaller pieces go for all kinds of stuff including pegs for M&T joints. Granted there's absolute junky cracked knotty pieces that get recycled into the wood stove. The stuff you clean out of the wood stove truly is scrap. Come to think of it, I haven't tried mixing ashes with Titebond, might be a new experiment.


New User
Ozzie-x said:
I haven't tried mixing ashes with Titebond, might be a new experiment.
I think someone has already thought of that... see the pic in post #8 above. :roll:



New User
SteveD, you've got some nice wood there, I could make a few boxes out of it. That's the Bling of scrap:lol: :lol:


New User
DavidF said:
So what can DaveO make from cracklings....:lol:

Something crispy and yummy to go with beer...ain't you never had a good batch of pork cracklins'

Dave(there ain't a piece of a hog that is scrap, unless you count scraple):)


New User
I have always heard there is nothing on a hog that is not edible. The was an old store in Rocky Mount call Hucks Grocery whose motto was "If the hog got it, we got it"

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
D L Ames said: you offer free shipping?:lol:



But ask Cathy, I do offer free pickup. I have tended to be a packrat in the past and kept tons of things for future projects. My only problem is that they take up too much space and get in the way of current projects. I do keep exotics and I have some offcuts from 8/4 mahogany, 8/4 qswo and 8/4 cherrry but when you are going through hundreds of board feet, small offcuts accumulate fast and take up a lot of space. I went through 2400 feet of cypress when I built 80 adirondack chairs two years ago and put the offcuts out at the road. The family that picked them up said it would heat their house for the winter. That was far better than me tripping over them for the whole winter and then having to move them to my new house.

Check with me in about 3 weeks. It's almost door and drawer front time and I'm going to walnut coming out of my..... (Yes Clay, I've got you covered).


New User
SteveD's scrap pile looks just mine! small and insignificant:-?

Talking of pig - why can't I buy a pork roast joint with the skin still on so that you get the "crackling" along with the roast? this is an English delicasy, but no butcher over here seems to have ever seen it. They offer a joint with fat on, but not the skin - come on guys/girls where can I get this?

Steve D

Steve DeWeese
Shoot David, there bound to be some boys down your way that can get you a whole hog, skin on. Set you right up for a pig pickin'


New User
I have been to a pig pickin' recently and I must say it was some of the best pork I have had - apart from the time I eat a whole suckling piglet in Mexico once! I just need a 4lb piece - not a whole pig - even I couln't eat a whole hog.

Travis Porter

New User
Hmmmm.... Wouldn't mind having some Walnut scrap, never worked with any before. Have mostly stuck with Mahogany, Red oak, QS white oak, white oak, cherry, cypress, basswood, pine, and cedar.
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